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EU conference is so tough


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At 22 games into the season one thing is apparent in the EU conference.  There are too many great teams.  All but two teams are over .500 hockey and Malmo is not far off.  As I look through the teams each team is stacked with talent.  For example, the Prague Phantoms are currently in 5th place in division at 12-9-2.  But, they have a league leading 85 goals. Now they have 79 goals allowed as well but a few tweaks and this team can soar to the top of division. 


Davos, Warsaw, London, Riga, Prague, and the seemingly always great Moscow continue to prove that the EU conference is dominant in respects to competitive or evenly matched teams (which really sucks when they beat Warsaw.  Lol) .   No disrespect to the NA as they have some great teams and now with LA surging maybe some new blood will change the makeup there as well but for overall competitiveness, I have to pick the EU. 

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