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800 incoming


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Well I’m about to reach a milestone I didn’t think I was capable of reaching or achieving with my first gen player Todd Cooke.


that milestone is 800 TPE , never in my life did I think I would hit it or be as proficient in finding ways to earn tpe let alone earning at a high rate . But hear I am I enjoy building my player and setting goals to achieve. 

over the past 4 seasons I have learnt so much in terms of STHS and what attributes are better or more beneficial to upgrade and when to upgrade them . I continue to learn everyday trying to be better I have so many individuals to thank for helping me learn the ins and outs . I hope that I can one day take my knowledge and help teach the next incoming wave of players about STHS and earning and everything of that nature to the best of my abilities.


This season I’m starting to see a real payoff with Cooke and the work I’ve put in to learning about earning and how to efficiently build up players . Cooke is a productive member of the up and coming Stars team and only looks to keep improving . 

My next personal Goal is to hit 1000 plus TPE total and see where Cooke goes from there .

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