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#AsktheBouch: Different era but still the same feeings


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Different era but still the same feeings



In light of reading a first-generation players account of his underwhelming debut with his VHL team; it made me remember how I felt as first-generation player when I first started in the league and how I had built up my player in the VHLM; as we didn`t have the VHLE back in those days (long, long time ago) but it was remarkable how comparable his feelings are towards what I felt at the time.



I remember at the time what I was told and it has to do with being an impact player in the lower leagues and having extremely high expectations for your player to make an impact at the next level; not to mention that fact that you actually don`t control anything but players build and TPE earned so in my case if it was really me, I would have just worked harder to get the results and have a bigger impact but that isn`t possible in the VHL world.



All I can say to anyone that feels underwhelmed about becoming a VHL rookie is keeping expectations in check. My player entered the league at 250TPE and never did it cross my mind that I was 600 or more TPE behind the league leaders so I was never actually going to have that large of impact. Today it might be a bit closer as we now join at 400TPE but top players are also earning a lot more TPE compared to the past Eras as most are now sitting plus 1200TPE; I remember struggling to keep a 800TPE build; back in the day!!



So, Yes joining the VHL is usually a letdown as you have gone from being an impact player play close to 30mins a game to being a depth player playing just north of 20mins a game but understand your player still plays a huge role in the success of the current roster and hopefully the future success of the roster.



Last comment I am going to make on the topic; Yes, sadly burn out is real in the league so learning how to manage your time is very important and knowing that it is okay to have down weeks in earning of TPE, It is okay to us that welfare button as it is a difference between 2TPE between welfare and PT, even less if you have the legacy welfare of 5TPE. Earning something every week is better then not earning anything and becoming inactive.



We are all here to have fun in a made-up league where really nothing matters so if you need a break then take a break. Real life is always more important than a made-up hockey character that is likely under preforming and needs a swift kick in the arses!!



Enjoy the league for what it is a place to communicate with other members that also want to light fire to their players for under performance and that is something we all have in common!!


flame thrower fire GIF

Edited by Gaikoku-hito
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