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Been focusing on loving life as I hit a bout of seasonal depression with the winter time coming. My playtime on the ice does not reflect who I am, and honestly I've been drinking mountain dew like a thirsty swamp monster, and pounding out mythic keystones in world of warcraft. It's taking a lot of motivation to work out when I just want to hit plus twenties with the boys, and game into the night chasing that high of getting better, and better gear, and better mechanical skill.


Sure the fights are scripted, and if you know what you're doing they are cake, but the affixes, and random number generated luck add an element that makes it really satisfying to achieve that timed run for the upgraded keystone. It's been real hard to get in contact with our Philly Squad  and practice. They practically have to pry me outta my chair. Not even sure if I'm going to end up making a pro team. I was drafted, but smashing mythics in world of warcraft is consuming me.

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