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WTF Malmo


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What kind of roller coaster simulator is the VHL using? Malmo had a great five game winning streak, our longest this season, just to lose almost as many following it. I seriously need to take Dramamine to take all the ups and downs we are going through this season. I feel like the team is Chris Rock and the league is Will Smith. We get slapped down when we least expect it. The team isn't giving up though. The show must go on as they say. With a sore cheek, we will try our hardest to fight our way into a playoff spot. The team isn't getting any younger and we would like to make our mark this season in the playoffs. It might just be a small damp spot but a mark is a mark.


And what's with some of the teams running bots for their pairings? Is it to sign more high end players and be under cap or is there an advantage to pairing a bot with a talented player. I think there is a conversation that needs to happen that covers this newer trend. There seems to be enough players to play but they have to be on a team and be used.


Well enough of this word salad.


Stay safe everyone and we will see you on the ice.

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