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BK Whopper Rivalry


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BK Whopper VS Micheal Johnsteen

When BK first fled into South Korea him and his family were detained on a small air force base near the DMZ. BK soon found a small pond that was frozen over. One day as he was skating another individual appeared on the other side of the pond. At first BK was scared but he walked up and confronted the shadow. Out of the fog a young American boy emerged. They gave introductions and eventually started to 1v1. 

While playing what was becoming an eventual match the American poked out his stick causing BK to trip and fall in turn breaking the Americans stick. After arguing in Broken Korean they decided they would both never return to the pond and they left the foggy pond enemies. BK was actually quite upset about the whole ordeal seeing he had scored 6 goals opposed to the 3 his opponent had scored.

* * *

Three years later BK and his family uprooted and immigrated to the United States. They found a reasonably priced home in Orlando, Florida. BK soon joined a local team where he eventually became very praised for his skills. BK was starting to fit in with the team and similarly at school. 

One day the coaches brought in a new member of the team. BK was excited because he finally wasn't the newest. This all lasted until about 10 seconds later when none other than Micheal Johnsteen the American entered the room.

BK was obviously furious as they both immediately recognized each other, but the only thing BK was worried about was that the American knew his true identity. Until now BK and their entire family had managed to keep their nationality a secret in all aspects of their life.

From this moment their misalignment didn't fall on their previous feud, but on the safety and sense of belonging of BK.

As practice went on they eventually moved off the ice into the weight rooms and they partnered up and just BK’s luck, the American chose him as a partner. While loading weights onto the bar for BK’s next set of squats the American loaded an extra 15 pounds onto one side of the bar out of sight from BK and the others in the room. 

Just as BK began to squat down he immediately felt the imbalance in an attempt to throw the bar down and hurt his shoulder severely. After an argument with the coaches and a witness coming forward BK’s claims of sabotage were proven true when another player spotted a 15lb weight missing off the rack. This injury kept BK out of Practice and multiple games over the span of a Month, Luckily enough Micheal Johnsteen was instantly removed from the premises and told to never return.

After BK recovered he had missed so much training especially the sort involving any kind of stick handling. This kept him slow for a while after the majority of his recovery. BK eventually caught back up to speed and returned to his usual self. To this day Bk and the American by the name of Micheal Johnsteen remain rivals.


Words: 524

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