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Fred Hampton on moving forward...


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Fred Hampton recently released this statement:


"First of all I want to thank God for this opportunity to be a professional hockey player.  It's something that I wasn't sure if I would be any good at but I've found some success.  Additionally, moving forward, I want to thank my player agency and general manager TownBizness for their continued support and guidance. I know he's better acclimated for the basketball world but he's been making some inroads here in the VHL world.  


It's not easy to break into the professional hockey world.  There's some incredible talent around the league from legendary players and other legendary agencies.  In many ways, I've been a fish out of water.  As has he.  Regardless, I wouldn't be where I am today without their help. 


However, I do feel like I'm not able to train and develop at the pace I want to. Well rather, I've realized that without an uptick in my training regiment, my cap as a player will always be limited.  All in all, I'm hungry to improve my game and make a name for myself in the league.  


I know that I'm still a young player and that it takes time to develop the skills and experience necessary to succeed in this sport but that moment is coming where I either stay a roleplayer or potentially make a bigger move to something else.  I firmly believe that with the right training and support, I could be a real asset to any team. I'm going to keep pushing myself to work harder, to train smarter, and to learn everything I can about this sport.  I want to be better.


The good news is that I will be better moving forward. With additional resources and help from my agency TownBizness, I will be able to progress at a faster rate.  I will be able to earn more development hours and practice harder to boost my skills.  VHL here I come -- let's see what we can do!

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