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I am not Dennis Green


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After the first two games in the first round of the play-offs in the series between Vancouver Wolves and the Seattle Bears I must admit I was feeling a bit like Dennis Green of the Arizona Cardinals when they collapsed during a game on Monday night football against the Chicago Bears. Great rant followed and I won`t lie this is actually all I can think about after the first two games of this series.


Yes, The Seattle Bears are a good team but the numbers simply don`t add up when comparing the head-to-head of the first two games compared to the regular season; where our all-star and most likely award-winning goaltender was how to say it nicely rather average; if not below average allowing eight goals in the first two games of the series for an 4ga in two games. Compare that to his regular season numbers of 2.31 ga and you start to see the picture; right?


We fired 120 shots at Dusty Wilson and scored a whomping 4 goals in the two games and he sports a 2.00 ga with .967 sav%. This doesn`t even account for the 23 shots in the first overtime of game two followed by 7 more in the second over-time before we lost.


All I can think at the moment is this better turn in our favor in the next few games as this is clearly silly at this point and more than a bit frustrating that we might be bounced from the first round; not because we got beaten by a better team but stupid luck of STHS!!


Rant over for now but look back here for more should we be bounced from the first round…..

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