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Everybody loves a little bit of crime but outside of roleplaying in media spots, there isn’t a way that I, as a user of the VHL, can have my VHL player commit a crime and that bothers me to no end. So I’m going to come up with a way that criminal activity can be added to the VHL.


The main crux of this is going to involve the Player Store or, to be more precise, adding a second specifically more discreet Player Store where you can purchase items that let you commit the crimeiest of crimes. Here’s a few examples of some of the items that would be in the player store:



Cocaine is, as I have been told, one hell of a drug and there’s nothing that I think is more likely for somebody under the influence of cocaine to do than write a lot about stuff that doesn’t exist, like talking about a hockey player in a fictional sim league for example. What buying cocaine in the illicit Player Store does is it provides you with a media spot each week that you can choose to submit, therefore saving you a significant chunk of time and still gives you the benefit of being able to hit the 12 TPE cap. However,  these media spots will be written by AI and so you will be putting faith in the AI to put together a media article that is close enough to how you would actually write to avoid being spotted. Should a GM of a team see your article and believe you are using cocaine bought from the Player Store, they can make a claim against your player stating that they believe you are under the influence of cocaine. If the claim is found to be valid and the player in question is in fact submitting articles in the VHL aided by their cocaine package then they will have their player suspended for 10 games in the VHL sim and will have to forfeit any remaining cocaine-induced media spots. However, if a team brings forward a claim and it turns out that the player is not in possession of cocaine, then the player in question must be financially compensated for $2 Million by the team that made the false claim through their salary cap allowance. This could potentially lead to some interesting situations like a player deliberately writing an article in a manner that they think an AI would to potentially trick a team into making a false case against their player. While teams will only ever face a $2 Million penalty for false claims, players found guilty of purchasing cocaine on multiple occasions will find themselves subject to steeper punishments, with the maximum punishment for cocaine use being a season-long game ban for the player.


Example of how it all works: The Board Game Clue On Skates purchases cocaine from the illicit Player Store and submits the AI-produced articles. London United’s GM Jacob is suspicious about the articles in question and makes a claim that they believe the articles were written under the influence of cocaine. While it is not explained how The Board Game Clue On Skates managed to ingest the cocaine or indeed purchase it in the first place, it has been found to have done so and is subsequently removed from lines for the next 10 games.


For those who don’t need cocaine to give them inspiration for media articles, there is also steroids, which is similar in the way that it is handled (ten game ban if caught) but instead of aiding your TPE count, it gives your STHS stats temporary hidden boosts.



Up there with illegally streaming sports games, murder is one of the biggest crimes out there and doesn’t have any proper representation in the current VHL system, but we can change that by adding a murder scheme into the illicit Player Store. A player who purchases this item will have the ability to murder (or in sim league terms, bring about a permanent retirement) of another user’s current player. Once a player has been found murdered, there is a week long investigation phase where the team who the deceased player was playing for may ask questions to members in the VHL community who they believe committed the murder. If they cannot correctly find the culprit, then the murderer will get away and face no punishment. However, if the team does find the correct culprit, then the player in question will face a life-long prison sentence and will also be permanently retired, so it is a real risk-reward play.


Example of how this all works: The Board Game Clue On Skates is murdered (permanently retired) and the Chicago Phoenix investigate to find out not only how a board game can possibly be murdered, but also who in fact committed this impossible crime. After a week-long investigation, Chicago correctly assess that Brian Payne bought the murder scheme package and arranged for the murder to take place and is arrested (permanently retired) for the murder of The Board Game Clue On Skates, but also for just wasting money because what on earth was he thinking murdering a board game?


While the latter may not seem like justice for the murdered player, don’t worry, there is a way they can continue their VHL career even if they’ve been targeted with a murder scheme. If the player had purchased the Body Double item from the illicit Player Store prior to a murder attempt, then they will not be permanently retired by the next murder scheme against them, however the attempted murderer will still face the same punishments.




So yeah, this is how we could add a little bit more intrigue and drama into the VHL, but also kind of the good VHL drama rather than the everyone is mad at one another for no particularly good reason drama.


Also if you’ve gotten to this point and are wondering if I’m serious about this suggestion, I honestly don’t know. I didn’t think I was but apparently I was serious enough to write a two-week media spot about it.

Edited by MubbleFubbles

Article Review:  As much as we shouldn't be encouraging the use of drugs or committing murder we all know there is a dark side of professional sports.  Maybe instead of a full new player store we could rename a few of the existing store entries.  Why not have the depreciation fighters be referred to as steroids.  I am all for a little fun outside of the normal TPE tasks and maybe we throw in a few more off the wall features. Maybe next seasons theme week needs to be a picture submission for the VHL does Vegas.  


Anyway, 9/10 for creative thinking.

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