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a tale of two Brothers // The Janser Retirement

Daniel Janser

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Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg

(Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats)


As some of our readers may know, Kurt Janser stepped down as a GM of the Istanbul Red Wolves and made space for up and coming GM Mason Jones. Our Turkish correspondent Sibel Kekiloglu spoke to Kurt about his retirement, his family and what the future will hold for him.


Sibel Kekiloglu (SK): 'Kurt, thanks for your time. You announced early that you are going to retire from your GM position in Istanbul. Would you mind sharing your thought process leading to that decision?'

Kurt Janser (KJ): 'Hi Sibel, you are very welcome. When Daniel decided to marry Bonnie, it was clear to me that it is only a matter of time that they will start their own family. I know, how time consuming Dan's job is, with all the away games and World Cups, let alone the functions he has or wants to attend to. Bonnie does not have family in Calgary and will need help with the little one. I am more than willing to assist her in any way she sees fit. Also, I felt that I lack the energy to be the GM that Istanbul and its players deserve. I hate to do a job half-assed and hence the decision to step down.'

SK: 'It certainly speaks for you to put your family first and to be honest about your ability to do the GM job. You announced your retirement early in the season but only stepped down after the season finale. What was the reason for that?'

KJ: 'Well, I wanted to have a clean transition and leave the club in a good position with some prospects as well as draft assets, so that my successor can shape the team as they please. Also I got an AGM in Gaming Ringleader in order to ensure as smooth a transition in power as possible. I dare say, so far it worked out and Mason and I had several conversations about potential picks and evaluating trade proposals. Of course the final decision is Mason's, but it appears he values my input and I am happy to share my thoughts with him.'

SK: 'You became a first time Grandfather on this offseason. How do you feel about that?'

KJ: 'It is a bliss and as mentioned before, one of the reasons I stepped down. I am looking forward to spend some quality time with my kids as well as Bonnie and Cal aboard the 'Chancer'. Nic, my daughter, will join us on our cruise to Helsinki. She wants to revisit Rovaniemi on the polar circle. Well, that is her version of the story. I think she loves her brothers and adores her nephew and wants to spend time with them.'

SK: 'What else will the future hold for you?'

KJ: 'Well, my sons will retire before too long and I hope to spend a lot of time with them fishing or cruising the seas. Maybe I will pick up a new hobby or eventually become a coach for Callum's team if he choses to play in any sports team. I will take it as it comes.' 

SK: 'Thanks for this interview and all the best going forward.'

KJ: 'Thanks, Sibel, take care.'


Daniel's stats from the ProAm sofar:

52gp, 33g, 37a, 70pts, -5, 105 PIM, 164 hits, 40sb, 1gwg, 6ppg, 1shg, 65.30FO%, 6 first star nominations 








claim 1/2: 02.04.23

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