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Siyan Yasilievich - Looking Forward to the Season

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Siyan Yasilievich - Looking Forward to the Season




We caught up with the newest member of London, Siyan Yasilievich and asked him his thoughts on the upcoming season in an interview below, enjoy!


Interviewer: So Siyan, you've been traded out of Davos and will begin the season on a new team. Was this something that you were planning on in the off-season?


"I'd say that it was very likely that I got traded, but I didn't necessarily asked to immediately be traded. I was going to go to Free Agency after the season most likely and Davos just wanted assets in return, which I honestly respect. Nothing wrong with that. I didn't know what team I was going to go to, but landing on London seemed like a good destination for me."


Interviewer: Following up on that, were there other teams that reached out to you? Anywhere you really wanted to land?


"I didn't necessarily care where I was going to get traded, because if I disliked the team I would just go to Free Agency once the season ended. There was a lot of teams calling the phones trying to pick me up, and I could pretty much say I would've loved to play for any of them. It's always a good feeling when there's a lot of teams that want you on their team as that franchise piece."


Interviewer: Moving on, lets look ahead to the season. London ended up missing the post-season and are looking to get back in, where do you see this roster at the end of the season in the standings?


"I would say I think we're for sure a playoff team. Whether that means being in the wildcard game or not is a whole different story, but I believe we're going to make it into the post-season. I think we've got a great group here and we can do some damage in the playoffs."


Interviewer: You are aware of the curse that London has in the fact they've never won a playoff series before correct?


"Yes, I'm aware. I want to help them break that curse and finally get further in the playoffs. I think the entire team does."


Interviewer: Is there anything else you want to say before we wrap this up?


"I just want to say thanks everyone for the support even though I'm out of Davos. It's been a blast in Davos and I can't wait for what this team holds for me this season, and in the future. Thanks!"


Interviewer: That'll be it from us here, we hope to see you light up the league again during the season.




Siyan Yasilievich is currently coming off a career high season, where he helped Davos all the way to the finals, but just falling short. He'll be looking to take this new team to the same place and ultimately hopefully raising the cup at the end of the season. Expectations are playoffs for this team, but as always Siyan wants more from himself and his teammates. He believes that they can reach another level and that his teammates will push him to the place where he wants to be.

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