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Mississauga Off to a Hot Start


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It's been an exciting season so far, this being my rookie season in the VHLM for the Mississauga Hounds. The team is off to a fantastic start sitting at 14-4-2 sitting in first place overall. Not sure where the team was expected to finish but it's been a fun ride so far.


For the rookie season of Jeff Lewis, he has 10 goals, 11 assists for 21 points in 20 games. I am not sure where that stands for rookies this season as I don't know how to look that up on the site but I am happy with that performance so far.


The team is leading the league in goals for with 75 and aren't too bad at goals against as well sitting in the middle of the pack with 57.


Miami and Halifax are both also having great seasons and don't sit too far behind Mississauga in the standings in the Eastern Conference so Mississauga will have to keep things going as the season continues.


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