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For week ending April 30 2023

Theme Week edition


1) What are your thoughts on the theme week topic?

2) Define the word Retro

3) What is your favorite Retro clothing trend?

4) Are you finding this theme week topic difficult?

5) Should our GM dress in a Retro outfit and post a picture on the forum?

6) If you got to pick the next theme week topic what would you choose?

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28 minutes ago, JCarson said:

For week ending April 30 2023

Theme Week edition


1) What are your thoughts on the theme week topic?

2) Define the word Retro

3) What is your favorite Retro clothing trend?

4) Are you finding this theme week topic difficult?

5) Should our GM dress in a Retro outfit and post a picture on the forum?

6) If you got to pick the next theme week topic what would you choose?

1. Not thrilled, honestly. I've barely been here a year and I don't do graphics well so trying to figure out something to write or padcast for retro in a real struggle. 

2. For me, pixelated Nintendo games and most of the 1990s.

3. Keds! They were a staple in my house growing up lol. 

4. Yes, especially since I don't do graphics. 

5. Hell yea! 

6. Can't think of a specific but maybe one that gives players an incentive to talk to their teammates. 

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1 hour ago, JCarson said:

For week ending April 30 2023

Theme Week edition


1) What are your thoughts on the theme week topic?

2) Define the word Retro

3) What is your favorite Retro clothing trend?

4) Are you finding this theme week topic difficult?

5) Should our GM dress in a Retro outfit and post a picture on the forum?

6) If you got to pick the next theme week topic what would you choose?

1. I don't mind it!  It is pretty broad and in this context kinda has to mean "old" in my eyes.  It may have well been "history" in the VHL context.

2. Retro to me is 30 years earlier than your age.  The style, the media the content of 30 years ago from your age because retro will change as everyone gets older.  So for me, those neon colors!  Flashy, glowing colors on everything!  Not what my graphic will be though lol

3. When I was little, I had a zip-up that, for each piece, was a different neon color.  Pink, green and blue!  The best part, it came with a pair of sunglasses for each color!  I was matching like a mad man!  Have never had a style since then lol

4. Not very.  I came up with an idea really quick but I put a lot of work into my graphics and only having the week to try to make something I am proud of isn't the easiest!  I've managed to stay ahead and theme week really throws a wrench in that.

5. Definitely!  I would take it personally if he didn't.
6. Oh gees.  That is tough because I only know what the last 4 were and I assume I wouldn't be treading new ground but I'd have to go with Teammate Appreciation.  Someone on your team that is just a positive influence in the discord and on the forum.  I think most members already show their appreciation but I think for a few others, it would be good for them to pay attention to anyone but their own player.

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On 4/25/2023 at 3:12 PM, JCarson said:

For week ending April 30 2023

Theme Week edition


1) What are your thoughts on the theme week topic?

2) Define the word Retro

3) What is your favorite Retro clothing trend?

4) Are you finding this theme week topic difficult?

5) Should our GM dress in a Retro outfit and post a picture on the forum?

6) If you got to pick the next theme week topic what would you choose?


1. I think it's a pretty cool topic, because you can kind of do anything with it.

2. Retro personally is something that is before my time. For example, I ended up doing a graphic with the old Mexico City Kings logo and that was before my time in the VHL.

3. My favorite Retro clothing trend would be Jeans with a button up shirt. I don't even know if that's retro anymore to be honest.

4. No, I think it's fairly easy, especially if you've been in the league for a bit.

5. Oh 100%, I would love to see Jacob in a retro outfit, it would be funny!

6. Wow, I don't even know what I'd do to be honest. Maybe something about past teams you've been on? That could be cool.

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On 4/25/2023 at 4:12 PM, JCarson said:

For week ending April 30 2023

Theme Week edition


1) What are your thoughts on the theme week topic?

2) Define the word Retro

3) What is your favorite Retro clothing trend?

4) Are you finding this theme week topic difficult?

5) Should our GM dress in a Retro outfit and post a picture on the forum?

6) If you got to pick the next theme week topic what would you choose?

1) I really struggled with it, but it is what it is, there was some really cool stuff made so obviously the problem is me.
2) 20ish years old is what I found on the internet.
3) So little of the Y2K era was good for clothing, I do think some 2000s like Disney Channel type outfits are kind of hilarious but certainly not something I could ever bring back (too many layers).
4) I most certainly struggled with it, but the TPE was approved so i will move on.
5) I am still mad that my orange shirt was lost to time because I miss it.
6) I totally understand why the Themes are always meh, because there is not a single good topic. I'd probably pick like "Achievement" or something so everyone can talk about something cool they've accomplished.

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Week of May 7th!

It is crazy around here in the Carson household so for the sake of getting a presser out there, here is one!

1. If your player had to play in net for a game (or for @aimkin if you had to play as a skater for a game), how would your player fare?
2. What is the best kind of yogurt?
3. If your player wasn't a hockey player, what would they be?
4. What do you feel you bring to the team?
5. What is something you hope your player can improve upon?
6. Our skaters can't hit the broad side of a barn these days. How would you train them to hit the net?

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14 minutes ago, jacobcarson877 said:

Week of May 7th!

It is crazy around here in the Carson household so for the sake of getting a presser out there, here is one!

1. If your player had to play in net for a game (or for @aimkin if you had to play as a skater for a game), how would your player fare?
2. What is the best kind of yogurt?
3. If your player wasn't a hockey player, what would they be?
4. What do you feel you bring to the team?
5. What is something you hope your player can improve upon?
6. Our skaters can't hit the broad side of a barn these days. How would you train them to hit the net?

1. Not too bad, I think. Jesse has had a few assists over their career so I'd think they'd be a decent D man. 

2. The drinkable kind or drowned in granola. 

3. Jesse would probably be the CEO of a non-profit. 

4. That je ne sais quoi that only a non-binary person can lol

5. Not losing their confidence during a shoot out. That is definitely Jesse's weak point right now. 

6. Throw them at it so they are well aware of where it is. 

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7 hours ago, jacobcarson877 said:

Week of May 7th!

It is crazy around here in the Carson household so for the sake of getting a presser out there, here is one!

1. If your player had to play in net for a game (or for @aimkin if you had to play as a skater for a game), how would your player fare?
2. What is the best kind of yogurt?
3. If your player wasn't a hockey player, what would they be?
4. What do you feel you bring to the team?
5. What is something you hope your player can improve upon?
6. Our skaters can't hit the broad side of a barn these days. How would you train them to hit the net?

1.  My shots blocked are nothing to write home about but my size may allow for just getting in the way a bit!  No shutouts I would imagine.


2.  Blueberry Activia is what I usually go for, otherwise I do the higher protein yogurt if I look like I am wasting away.


3.  Beach Volleyball!  Would find an awesome partner and run it up on the beach.


4.  Youthful exuberance!  New to the VHL with a build that could go anywhere so my outlook is good!  Otherwise, assists!  My playmaker is making plays!


5.  Still improving my defense but once I hit 90 there I think I may look at skating?  Both scoring and skating is at 69 (heh) but I like to round those up.


6.  Shooting drills!  Shooting from everywhere.  Build that muscle memory.  Punishment for missed shots!

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1. If your player had to play in net for a game (or for @aimkin if you had to play as a skater for a game), how would your player fare?

well... lets just say my player isn't a goalie for a reason lol I don't think my team would be too happy with me if I ever has to play in net.

2. What is the best kind of yogurt?

Ill eat almost any yogurt. My go to flavours are strawberry, raspberry, and vanilla. 

3. If your player wasn't a hockey player, what would they be?

My player would be an actress lol. I've always wanted to be famous😂

4. What do you feel you bring to the team?

Good sportsmanship! I always encourage the players to just try their best, but most importantly, have fun! 

5. What is something you hope your player can improve upon?

I think there's a little bit of room for improvement in every area. You can never stop improving!

6. Our skaters can't hit the broad side of a barn these days. How would you train them to hit the net?

We just need to keep practicing and working on our aim. 

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On 5/3/2023 at 12:42 PM, jacobcarson877 said:

Week of May 7th!

It is crazy around here in the Carson household so for the sake of getting a presser out there, here is one!

1. If your player had to play in net for a game (or for @aimkin if you had to play as a skater for a game), how would your player fare?
2. What is the best kind of yogurt?
3. If your player wasn't a hockey player, what would they be?
4. What do you feel you bring to the team?
5. What is something you hope your player can improve upon?
6. Our skaters can't hit the broad side of a barn these days. How would you train them to hit the net?

1. I would absolutely suck in goal, take me out coach

2. Frozen yogurt is best

3. My player would be a sports commentator

4. I bring stability and depth

5. I would like to get more points

6 I would set up a system of target practice where the players can't end practice until the finish the exercise

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