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Logan and Izumi discuss Cyberpunk and Steampunk


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 Logan Foley watches his fiance Izumi play Cyberpunk 2077 after he just got off the phone with his agent. "Yeah my agent James was just discussing our new house in Malmo with me for when I am called up. I told him I wanted something close to both the city and the countryside, and it seems like he has actually found it"


 "That's nice!" Izumi smiles before going to focus back on the game "hey, how about this: Cyberpunk vs Steampunk. I usually prefer Cyberpunk because I like futuristic stuff, but I want to hear about your opinion."


 "Oh I actually like Steampunk better, but that is probably because I am old school with some of my tastes. Plus, the use of magic makes the most sense with steampunk."


 "Yeah but there are probably no rules against magic in cyberpunk. Well I don't know if there is actual cyberpunk rules, though I do know that this game in particular is based off of a tabletop game."


 "Yeah I've been meaning to check that old tabletop game out" Logan smiles "it seems like it would be fun for us to try out. I think I just like Steampunk more just because I watched a lot of anime movies and played a lot of games based on that aesthetic."


 "Yeah I understand" Izumi says before getting out her phone "hey let's see how much the tabletop games are going for..."

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It is actually based on a pen and paper RPG (there may or may not have been table top games). And as far as I know there is no magic existent in the Cyberpunk universe.


However, in Shadowrun (another Cyberpunk-esque RPG), there are rules for magic. The lore for that system is, that in 2012 (i.e. the end of the Mayan calendar) magic came back into the world (and with it some people mutated to trolls, orcs, elves and dwarves). 


So 'Cyberpunk' is what our future really could look like, whereas 'Shadowrun' is more fantasy-based. Both have in common that the big corporations own and control everything and give off '1984' vibes.

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