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Logan Foley tells Izumi about his previous job


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 Izumi watches her fiancee Logan Foley do his practice drills in the training center rink of the Stockholm Vikings. She was let into the facility due to both being a sports journalist and Logan's significant other, and was also taking pictures that she can present to her boss so she can potentially and finally get the promotion that she was aiming to get for a while. As Logan skates by her in a shooting drill, he waves and winks at her before nailing a slapshot right past the goalie, which makes her nearly burst out in laughter at the audacity of it all.


 Eventually the practice is over, and she is still giggling a bit as she walks up to Logan right after he got dressed back into his normal clothes. "Did you seriously try to impress me with that shit Logan?" She giggles as they begin to walk to the car "I mean I am already going to marry you after the season ends, you don't need to impress me anymore then you already have."


 "Ehh you were there and I wanted to show out for my beloved." He smiles at her as they get in the car "I know it was ridiculous but it was just as much for the guys in the locker room then it was just for you. I bet a few of them that they would buy me a few bottles of Canadian beer if I would end up landing that shot"


 "I see" she laughs a bit again before asking "is that a big thing that you miss from your time playing in Mississauga Ontario Canada?"


 "The beer? Yeah I do think that the beer I was able to drink there was some of the absolute best I have ever drank, so I am now gonna get some from them shipped from Canada to here"


 "I see" Izumi smiles before remembering something that she was gonna ask him earlier "I was talking to your mother earlier when she called our home phone, and she mentioned that your old job was asking about you"


 "Really? The mechanic shop I worked at when I was in high school asked about me specifically? They must be really desperate. I know that they were losing money when I left after I graduated high school for college, but I did not think it was that bad"


 "What did you do there, if I may ask?"


 "I was mostly the assistant when it came to repairing cars, which meant that I went to grab things that they asked me to grab." Logan explains as they were on the road "it does explain how I am so good with cars, as they made me learn a lot about them from my bosses and coworkers."


 "I don't know anything about cars except for how to drive them" Izumi admitted sheepishly "I do think that my brake axel has some issues if you want to look at those"


 "Yeah sure, I'll look at those after we get home honey" Logan smiles "what is wrong with them?"


 "Well they seem to feel a bit shaky recently, and I am scared they will lock up..."

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