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Logan tells Izumi he's being called up


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 Logan Foley's fiance Izumi just came into the condo that they shared when she sees him looking like he had something very important to tell her. "Ok before you tell me your news, can I tell you mine? And before you ask, no I am not pregnant."


 "You had me thinking about that for a hot second honey." Logan said, slightly relived "so what is your news?"


 "I managed to book that wedding hall in Long Island you were talking about!" Izumi smiles "you were right, it is a bit of a pain to get it all set up, but I did it in the end with your mother's help over the phone"


 "Well that is pretty good news" Logan smiles "so here is mine: I am getting called up to Malmo!"


 "Oh my gosh really?!" Izumi excitedly exclaims as she and Logan hug "this is amazing news, I am so happy for you!"


 "Just for me?" Logan chuckles "this means we can finally move into that big house you have been waiting for us to get into"


 "I know honey, but I am happy for you because it means that you are achieving your dream" Izumi says as she boops Logan's nose "it is very sweet that you thought of me though. Gosh, between the wedding and this, there is so much to do!"


 "Well as my dad would say, the best way to get things done is to just do them."


 "Right, let's get started!"

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