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Crazy JST Moment


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Absolutely mad moments in a recent JST game between the Steel  and the Warriors. The scoring began with Maxim Anisimov scoring his seventh goal of the tournament after a Walter Fitzroy Jr tripping call. More on Anisimov later. The second period would have more scoring for the Steel with Viktor Jensen and David Rashford scoring about a minute and a half apart. Then the line brawl broke out. You had Kisslinger versus McGryer, Cramer versus Kopecky, and  Anisimov versus MacAvoy. It was wonderful. Kopecky would put the Warriors on the board near the start of the third period. Then, at 11:13 of the third period, the incident happened.Tobias Weiss had been called for interference for a late hit on Anisimov. Anisimov was so livid at Weiss that he got right into Weiss's face as he was being led to the penalty box. The referee stretched out his hand to try and separate Anisimov and calm him down. Anisimov slapped the  ref's hand away and began cursing at the ref. This resulted in a game misconduct for abuse of an official and Anisimov's night was done. MacAvoy would score on subsequent power play to give the Warriors enough hope to pull Moore. However, it was Jensen who would bury an empty netter to secure a 4-2 Steel win. Back to Anisimov. Normally, his actions would result in a two game suspension, no exceptions. Given that this incident happened in a showcase of junior talent for the benefit of the GMs and AGMs of the league, Anisimov was allowed to continue JTS play. Reportedly Anisimov did meet with the JTS commissioner and showed remorse for his actions. No matter whats happens to Anisimov, I doubt anyone will forget this wild game.


Edited by Will3
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14 hours ago, Will3 said:

Reportedly Anisimov did meet with the JTS commissioner and showed remorse for his actions.


Anisimov was reported saying this in the locker room to his fellow players following the meeting with the commissioner 


I'll Fuckin Do It Again - Meming Wiki

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