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Logan and Izumi plan the honeymoon


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 "So why would you not want to go to Hawaii?" Izumi asks her newlywed husband Logan Foley, who has just come home from his tour of his VHL team the Malmo Nighthawks arena. "I like beaches, but I would understand if you think that it would be too crowded for your liking."


 "Yeah I would just want to be somewhere we would not have to deal with a crap ton of other tourists." Logan shrugs "besides, part of me feels like it can be a bit cliche to go there for a honeymoon"


 "Since when did you care about cliches?" Izumi laughs a bit "you're the one who insisted on the slightly cliche wedding vows"


 "I'm better at hockey then I am at writing honey" Logan chuckles a bit "but when I was a kid playing hockey, our team once got a school trip to Colorado, and I loved hiking the mountains there, so what do you think about going there?"


 "Well, I've always wanted to go snowboarding or skiing, so yeah that sounds fun! Just make sure that we get a cabin all to ourselves" 


 "Don't worry honey I will" Logan smiles as he goes to get his cell phone "do you want to book the trip or should I?"


 "You can go ahead, I need a nap. It's been a long day for me" Izumi gets up to go to her bed as she says that


 "Alright honey I will" Logan smiles

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