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Kirby Mini Rambles: Offseason Shenanigans


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Another edition of Kirby Mini Rambles? Indeed! Because there’s quite a few things I wanted to go over in terms of how the offseason has been so far. First things first, thank you so much to my lovely GM Alex for trusting me to run this draft! He’s been super patient and kind with me throughout my first season as Davos AGM and I have learned A LOT since first being appointed last offseason!


Our picks were late but I definitely believe we managed to snatch up potential steals in Pierre-Luc Dutil and Jose Avocado. I have to admit, I was nervous the entire time, but managed to handle things just fine with Alex’s guidance, I think! We also picked up Grizz Tazzo in free agency.


In non-VHL related news, I may be joining my first full Dungeons and Dragons campaign in the next few months hopefully and I am excited. The nerd in me is ready to jump out. My friends and I also have a Palm Springs trip planned at the end of the month, so summer has been good to me so far! Hoping the draft, free agency, and these IRL things are a good sign for S89. Davos needs a cup!


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