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Rip Wheeler - Early Season review:


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Rip Wheeler - Early Season review: 


As of today we are 20 games into Season 89 of the VHL. I’m gonna take a look at Rips stats and try to break down the good the bad and the ugly. 


First off 1 goals and 1 assist for a total of two points…ouch…20 games…definitely would like Rip to have more of an impact on the offensive side of things. Gotta improve on that area for asap!


Next plus/minus…plus 5 is not too bad…I do play in a line with two total studs…so that definitely helps! We have had a lot of close games and it’s nice to see Rip isn’t a complete liability on the defensive end. 18 shots is respectable, but still would like more pucks toward the net. 


Next is 29 hits and 20 PIMs…not bad for a rookie trying to find his way….I like that Rip is definitely sticking to the tough nosed brand of hockey he promised. Still waiting for that first fight…hopefully it’ll be against Jake Thunder or Brian Payne! 


Excited to keep adding more consistent weekly TPE and watch Rip continue to make a positive impact for the club. 



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Rip is going to be known as the biggest 1st round bust of ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!   "Excited to keep adding more consistent weekly TPE and watch Rip blah blah blah". As you click the welfare button!  @Thunder  you seen this drivel?  I am proud you have finally done a point task even though I hound you weekly at work ....

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Gee Scottyp , dont spend too much time doing an early season review.  Shit I could have written a better one for you.  Rip Wheeler flat out sucks his rookie season because scottyp doesnt put the effort into earning TPE.  The only thing you said that was accurate in that article is that you are surrounded by two studs on the line with you.  You’d think that you’d at least have some assists given you have studs playing on your line, but you lose the puck trying to deke all the time, just like in NHL on xbox.  Show some pride,,,, youre a product of Scurvy’s recruitment and you are making him look bad.  Not to mention I picked your dumb ass on my super coach team, and look what you’ve gotten me.  Just click welfare and call yourself Jimmy, not Rip.   Also, just so you know 29 hits and 20 PIMS is not respectable, it’s downright sad.  Play some hockey.  I’ve looked and you get the minutes.  Now get results.

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