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Bana Blabs Down Under as a Commissioner for a Day #81


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🇦🇺Bana Blabs Down Under #81🇦🇺


Walking In Vince Mcmahon GIF by WWE


Another Blab brought to you by Talk-to-Text, an easier way to do this. Thanks, Siri. Despite you many, often simple, errors. 

THEME WEEK IS HERE! This week the victory hockey league is giving us the keys to the pearly white gates. We have entire control of the victory hockey league for a full 24 hours. Anything can happen. Anything is possible! It’s a wild, Wild West out here and the members of our beautiful sim community have not disappointed so far. There’s been a few funny graphics and pieces of media and even some serious pieces which were well done. Excited to see the rest that comes out! For me? We’re doing the typical blab style. It makes things easy after all these season! ;) 




  • DO NOT DELETE THE E! Instead, add new banking limits to each of the smaller level leagues so that the log jamming doesn’t happen as often. I think a lot of lower TPE level players that maybe are more prone to do welfare are left out on the action. Maybe it’s just a fast earning player who now is 450 contending against 1100 beasts..  why not not the extra options? New banking limits?  I think while also keeping the minimum VHL rn which I think is 350..? 



• VHLM MAX TPE BANK: 100 (when a player hits 300)



• VHLE MAX BANK: 200 (600 total).



  • More free stuff. Everyone loves free stuff. I would introduce more free stuff. I don’t even know what this means but if you want it and it can be free, we’re going to give it to you for free. Maybe we’re gonna give you an extra free week in a season. Just one! Or maybe we’re going to do it around special times to make things a little easier on you. I think we’re also going to come up with a lot more theme times so that we can give away these free things. Like Halloween themes and Christmas and Easter and all of that. Yes. Free stuff. More themes.


  • PAY TO WIN!!!!  everybody is going to love this . they’re going to love the ability to buy T P E . with massive restrictions and taxing from the blue team and league staff , they have made available T P E four dollar purchase. Currently you are able to purchase a maximum of 20 TPE per season. Currently it cost $.50 for one TPE. The money made from this is going to go into the funds that the legal use for more themes and events for the league. Also more free stuff.


  • It’s theme week so we’re going to do a 4th one. If I was commissioner. For a day I would secretly put the victory hockey league for sale on the Internet. I would hold out for as long as possible in those 24 hours. I would hire internet hackers to spread the world like lava. Everyone would know. A wealthy nerd will purchase it from me for $136,725.89 US dollars. I am happy. VHL is owned my rich guy and becomes better. Bigger. More stuff. More free stuff! 
Edited by Banackock
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