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Due to budget cuts...


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using a ship is too costly. As a result, Miami Marauders have been forced to do all the marauding in alternative vehicle:





Spokesperson for the Miami Marauders had this to say:


"Marauding is more of a lifestyle, you can just as easily not steal or not attack people, but there is something about getting together with people you like and then together dreaming of all the things you can steal. That is why we do it. We hope to find something worth stealing from someone or from somewhere. How you get to different places is secondary. Therefore, using something else than a ship is not a concern to us. We live for the hunt. I would also like to point out that donkey carts are far more friendlier to the environment than the electric batteries/engines we installed into our ships a few years ago. The batteries are a nightmare to charge and I am sure I do not have to remind you all about the difficulty of getting lithium from the ground to make the batteries, not to mention the difficulty of recycling the lithium batteries. We have been just throwing them into the ocean once they stop working. As we move away from our ships, I think we, the Miami Marauders, can feel a little better about stealing and ruining people's days: sure, we might steal your stuff, but at least we do not throw lithium batteries into the ocean anymore. "

Edited by jRuutu
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