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Shubham Anand Adapting To New City and Role


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The day finally came. The storm of rumors swirling around him finally settled into a calm peace. Shubham Anand, India's ice hockey sensation and now successful business owner, at long last got his trade out of the nightmare that has been the Vasteras Iron Eagles this season. Now he is in Geneva, Switzerland playing hockey for a competitive hockey team. Let's check up on our star player and see how he is doing on and off the ice and the potential impact on his future.


Off the ice things are already much better than they were in Sweden. While he still has to contend with frigid temperatures off the the nearby Lake Geneva, everything else is a marked improvement. Shubham did learn some French in high school and while his use of the language is still very much rough, it is already so much better than his practically nonexistent Swedish ever way. Switzerland also has significant advantages for Shubham's business, GoGear. He has sold the wealthy Swiss banks on the opportunity of investing his thriving US business. This has allowed Shubham to plan to bring GoGear to most major US cities soon. This has also allowed GoGear to become a corporate sponsors of the Miami Vice of the SBA and hire their recent draftee, Chi Afolabi, as a corporate spokesman. The more international feel of Geneva also helps Shubham feel less homesick then that small town ever did. Overall Shubham Anand is feeling way better in Geneva then hd did in Vasteras.


On the ice, Shubham's stats tell the story. In thirty seven games on a mightily struggling Iron Eagles team,our boy had eight goals and twelve assist for twenty points. Of those eight goals, one was game winner and three were on the power play. All not bad stats untill you look at the terrible negative twenty-four plus-minus rating and now you understand why Shubham needed a change of scenery. And the trade seems to have worked. In thirteenth games for the Rush, he already has five goals and three assist for eight points with two game winners and two power play goals. The biggest sign of improvement comes from the plus five plus-minus rating, proving that the team is going well. With familiar faces like Fradin McGryer and a good GM by his side, Shubham has fit in naturally as a power play specialist. It is clear that moving to the Geneva Rush has already done wounders for Shubham's game.


And that is the update on Shubham Anand. With the Geneva Rush fighting for the Renaissance Cup, more will undoubtedly be asked of the right wing going foward. But Shubham is seamlessly rising to the occasion at every turn. With everything already being so much better in Geneva than they were in Vasteras, Shubham is reportedly currently planning to stay with the Rush for one more season to develop his skills going into the VHL. We can only hope things continue to go well for this interesting prospect.

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