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Almost Playoff Time


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It's been an exciting season so far for Axle Gunner. He has shown that he can play the game when given the chance to. With only a dozen or so games left he should be near the top in a few categories. Being on a very talented team does help a lot. Everyone seems to be ready for the playoff run which is great to see. Hopefully our regular season dominance will translate to a dominate playoff run to the cup. Of course, we are talking about Simon, so anything can happen. I have confidence in the team and the GM to make everyone's dream come true. Another bright spot on the team is our goalie, Karl Herzlich. He has been the best in the league and a positive voice in the locker room. I hope the best for him, he is very much the reason we are where we are. He has a bright future in the big league.


Looking forward to playing in the VHLE. That should be fun and it will be the first time to experience that league. I think it's the right call instead of jumping to the VHL just to have a really shitty rookie season. That one extra season should give a player a much more viable build to start his/her big league career.


Everyone have a great week and stay safe.

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