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Biography of Grimgor Ironhide


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Grimgor Ironhide


"He is truly DA BEST" 


It was just before the end times when Grimgor Ironhide had a vision that he interpreted as "I eat some delicious mushrooms and now I see this, I am clearly da best!". Vision was portraying grimgor wearing an armor made of fabric, helmet with a glass shield in front of his eyes and a weapon that looked like a crooked halberd, there were some sounds in the distance that felt odd and out of place, a horn so loud and piercing that signaled something, unsure if good or bad. 

It was the next day when Grimgor opened his eyes and saw a weird glimmer in the corner of his tent, at first he started laughing and felt like it is a big prank, he even looked excited to see what it is, however, almost immediately when he stood up there was a realisation - it is some sort of magic, powerful, mysterious and yet so dark. 'I'm gonna stomp 'em to dust!' Grimgor screamed that the whole orc camp rattled, his two black orc big bosses rushed in and as they were passing the corner where the magic was felt, they stopped, almost if they would have been frozen in time. Grimgor, without any fear in the heart, decided to pick up his mighty Gitsnik and swung as hard as he could, when the blade hit the brightest stop of magical energy wave of light passed through Girmgor and he lost all of vision, sense of time and place, he became a ghost, a phantom travelling between truth and lies, between night and day, between reality and some other reality, not known to him and yet he felt like it was calling to him, the horn was heard once again, it was loud and magical, it was glorious and frightening and yet soothing. He focused, he knew it is time to try to reach that other reality, to see what it is and what it brings and so he did. 

Grimgor woke up in a bed of snow, in a place where everything felt wrong and the air felt like it was crushing his lungs. He had woken up on Heard island, an uninhabited speck of land in the south of Indian ocean, there were no trees, animals or any intelligent life as far as your eyes could see. For Grimgor it was a chance to explore and no longer feel like there is a war around, however even then when he felt at his safest he wouldn't part ways with Gitsnik, his mighty double bladed axe which translates to "Foe-killer". After hours or wandering and trying to find food Grimgor started to feel lost, the initial excitement had passed and there was gaping hole that grew larger and larger with every second, a hole of self-fullfilment that previously he had no issues filling - after all, he is the mighty Grimgor Ironhide, Da Alpha Orc, Green Slaughterer and Boss of the east. After few days on the island he felt exhausted, he had eaten some bugs and had managed to hunt an elephant seal on the coastline that he enjoyed raw. With no sleep during this time, while walking slowly on the coastline he collapsed, his head hit a sharp rock and he was knocked out. 

Grimgor woke up 2 days later on a fishing vessel "Harpoon" and the captain Elliot Payne was there to greet him. 'Well, how did you end up there mate? You look kinda weird but I have seen people from all over this world so you are definately not the most unique pearl in the sea.' Captain laughed and told Grimgor that there is a fish stew made for their crew and that he can have as much as he wants. To this point, Grimgor had not said a word, he sat in silence, so weirdly out of character for him that it almost felt like he had swolled his whole tongue. Finally, after eating a delcious bowl, well, three bowls of stew, Grimgor introduced himself 'I am da great one, greatest orc warlord, once and future git!'. Everybody sat in silence not really knowing how to respond, only the engineer of the boat, Cal Folden, decided to speak and make a joke. Cal stood up, started laughing and said 'Well that is one hell of a joke, everybody knows that the only great one is Scotty Campbell'. Grimgor had never heard that name, nor seen a ship like this, for him all of this felt like a joke is being played on him, he had not seen all this technology even in the skaven and dwarven dungeons. To him all of this felt untamed. However Grimgor saw Cal taking out a small shiny piece of metal out of his pocket, with an apple on the back, Cal opened a picture of Scotty Campbell and smiling said 'Do you really think you are the great one?'. 

It was at that moment that the vision Grimgor had seen just before entering this realm, finally made sense to the black orc warlord, he saw the weapon, he saw the armor and the glass shield, it finally made sense to him. Gimgor understood that there is a new calling for him, to go and be new Great one. To be DA GREAT ONE here in this reality. Another 5 days of journey on sea and "Harpoon" had reached port. For Grimgor this was the time to find his way towards achieving his goal. In a very odd fashion, Grimgor  even thanked ship captain and the crew for saving him. 

And so began his journey to become the new Scotty Campbell, Da Great one, Da Best of VHL.

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