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Bubba Tree


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This is my first create in VHL and it hasn't been too bad so far. I had been thinking about creating here for a while but I never really made the move and just stuck with PBE, ISFL, and SHL. I was just used to how they ran things over there and the earning for me seemed easier to keep up with the top guys in my class. Was looking for another league to join so I finally just decided to give VHL a shot and it hasn't been too bad. I kinda slacked my first week on earning but have picked it up a little now. I'm a good amount behind the guys but have just decided to not care as much and just earn as much as I can and this be more of my chill league. It's a nice community so far and I like the daily sims so I can see how my team is doing and player. I'm still getting used to the earning part but I think I'll be able to get it down sooner or later. Anyways Bubba Tree hasn't been doing the best but I wouldn't say it's been the worse. He decided to join Halifax 21st in VHLM and had a warm welcome to the team. I've only played 10 games with them and I believe I'm on the 3rd line and low in TPE so I don't have much stats but I do have 2 goals with 1 of them being in my 2nd game also a GWG so that was nice. I am -2 in +/- but we can just ignore that stat ya know. I have 21 shots taken, 9 hits, and 1 shot block with that rounding out basically all the stats I have. It should only go up from here and I'm excited to see where Bubba Tree Career leads him.


314 words I think

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