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(FFO alternative metal, borderline nu metal)


I have about 10 free minutes right now, let's write a .com articles about my expectations of myself this time around.


I've always been a max earner in here, and when I don't max earn, I leave. And then if I'm gonna max earn, I usually find myself going the extra mile, and taking a couple jobs too. Oh and then it's gonna be so easy to max earn in the affiliate leagues. So I end up creating there too, and before I realize it, I hold jobs in 3 different sim leagues, and a simple member in an extra 2. And then I burn out again. I love sim leagues and I want to help them thrive, that's my problem.


Yeah, not this time. This time I'm focusing on myself, and that starts with recognizing and respecting my limits. Last week, I didn't even do a PT. I claimed welfare. Capped at 11. Old me would never. But I'm good with it. If I have time and motivation, I'll do stuff. If I don't, then so be it. I guess me rushing to write a .com on Monday goes against the whole point I'm trying to make here, but it also makes it fun for me when I give myself stupid challenges like that, it doesn't feel like work. There's also something therapeutic about it.


...and I probably wrote double the word count again god dammit.

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