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Bana Big Blab #1


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🇦🇺Bana BIG Blab  #85🇦🇺



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Hello VHL. Good timing to write this article. The VHL’s 16th birthday was just yesterday I believe? It was 18 July! That’s pretty crazy to think that the legs been around that long. You can’t help but think that it won’t be around for another 16 years but then those 16 years ago we’re probably thinking the same thing about it then. Happy birthday, VHL. Latest set of sims seen Seattle take two victories. Nice little wins to give us a nice safety cushion on first in the conference. Something like 90, 80 and 78 are Seattle, Vancouver and Calgary. We’d have to mess up pretty bad in order to lose first place in the conference. Flip on over to real life and things are heating up as I mentioned. We are going down to Albany at the end of July start of August and are super excited about that. It looks absolutely incredible down that way! We’re slowly starting to figure out when we’re going to go home as well and it’s looking like the process is going to begin somewhere around September 20 to maybe September 29. I think that’s the ballpark right now that we’re trying to circle down on but it may extend all the way to October 1st. Ideally, if I had it my way, it would be September 19 or 20th lol. I’m excited to go home! Plus, the process of it all is going to be really fun we’re going to fly to Greece, then head over to Albania, then Nice of South France, and then Paris. Right now we’re trying to figure out where we want to go in Greece but I think we figured things out for Albania. For Greece it’s your main three or Corfu. Does anyone here have any thoughts on this?? LEYS ALSO START BLABBING 


  • Seattle has a commanding lead on the North American conference as we head into the final six or so games for the rest of the VHL. Seattle with 90 points, Vancouver with 80 points and Calgary was 78 points.  I think Seattle is going to take things for the top of the cake, but it’s going to be interesting to see who wins between Vancouver and Calgary. I think this matchup isn’t going to be super important which flops where because at the end of the day they still end up playing each other I do believe.
  • Seattle has been putting the gas on recently with five wins in a row, but flopping over to the European conference, and we see a battle between Moscow and Davo’s. I think last time it was within one point and now we are at 97 to 95 points with Davos in the lead. Seattle was mentioned once again in this bullet point because I think they narrowed the gap from Seattle to Davos. I don’t think there’s too much significance here though. Seattle won’t be catching Davo’s for the victory cup and the true battle will be between Moscow and Davos who both have 67 games played.
  • Third and final point, let’s talk about my player. Houston is currently leading their conference right now and have a one point lead with the few games to go. It’s gonna be interesting to see if they close it out. I had high hopes for them when I join them and then we add a lot of fire power to the team as well. I think it’s safe to say that even since my expectations have grown. I think with our record overall they’ve been met. For offensive stats, 34 goals, 41 assists, 75 points in 66 Games played is pretty damn sweet. It seems as though my players really picked it up the last little bit. They’re getting a ton of shots, average, just a little more than a hit a game, which is OK I guess and their face off performance as strong as well. I’m really happy with their performance as well as with Houston balls and my overall experience with the VHLM as a whole. I am looking forward to playoffs with the Seattle bears and with the Houston Bulls.


Have a great week everyone. Happy birthday, VHL. Let’s make this week a good one! 

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