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Brief Halifax 21st Playoff Preview


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The Halifax 21st have made the VHLM playoffs. They have ended up third in the Eastern Conference. That means they have a date the second place team in the Western Conference. That would be a San Diego Marlins squad that was only one points behind Houston. Led by on offense by Sjin, Brad Marchand, and Savaisk Tzesar, The Marlins have great foward depth. They are also solid on the blue line with Marty Byrd leading the charge there. But things are not as bad as they appear for the Halifax 21st. They have great fowards like Miroslav, Mikko Borisyuk, and the trade deadline acquisition Maxim Anisimov leading the way. They are also possibly stronger than the Marlins in defense with Darko Alexander Malkovich the leader on that unit for the 21st. Halifax been consistently inconsistent this season. If the 21st are able to find consistent winning form, this series will be much more competitive than paper suggest.

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