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rambling about the VHL's 16th birthday amoung other things


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It's that time again, to talk until I hit that magical mark of 500 words!! While I've stated I don't intend to max cap every week with my current player, something I already failed anyway since I forgot to do an article last week, I was at least intending to max cap for the first few weeks to get Kadachi off to a strong start. Anyway enough about that, it's the VHL's 16th birthday!! And there's no way I can miss out on that sweet sweet TPE! Trying to remember wasn't there a theme week for like talking about what we were doing back in 2007? or something like that? I remember making a media spot on something like that. Could have been something else entirely, it all starts to mix together when you've talked about so many different subjects. Regardless it's always hard to believe this league was created the same year games like Halo 3, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Assassin's Creed were released. A time when I wasn't even ten years old yet. A time where the Wii was our main gaming console for me and my brother. I've been here for four of VHL's 16 birthdays at this point, joining very late the 2010's, another way to look at it is I joined right as the VHL entering it's teenager years lol. 


It makes me wonder, when compared to other sim leagues, and I don't just mean hockey, how does the VHL stack up? It might be the oldest hockey sim league but what about compared to basket ball, base ball, football, and soccer? I don't have much knowledge of sim leagues in general, the VHL is the only one I partake in, and even out of the ones I named I'm unsure if all of them actually have sim leagues, I just assume they do as three of the four mentioned are part of the big four (the other being hockey of course) and soccer is quickly growing and I imagine everyone knows of it. There's other more obscure or less popular sports that have sim leagues I imagine as well. Do any of them cross the 20 year mark? Do any of them predate the turn of the millennium? Which at that point are any of them older than I? Some of the oldest sites I'm familiar with are Ebay which has been around since 1995 and Deviantart, a site less than a month away from it's 23rd birthday. 16 years is nothing to scuff at regardless, it's to the point where there are users here that are younger than it, so carry on VHL, here's to another 16!!


I need to drag this on a bit longer so I guess I'll talk about playoffs? I joined the Houston Bulls, as did a few others after me, the team is full if familiar faces, Slapshotdragon (I know it's bear now but I prefer the old name) Bana, rory, Moon just to name a few. When I joined the Reapers where ahead by 15 points if I recall, but we've taken that down to 9 and finished 1 point ahead of the Marlins. Considering the huge separation in points between teams, Kings are 21 points behind the Marlins, it feels very much like there are three super teams this season. So imagine most will be taking one of those three to win it all, with most of course taking the Reapers, here's hoping we can stop them!!


(word count 584)

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