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Might Love Myself - Beartooth


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Pretty catchy one, not as heavy as the usual stuff I post. Nice breakdown though. Positive, midwestern hard rock is what I'd probably call it.


Various things happening around this time of the season. Moscow is about to make another early playoff exit, which is lovely to see. On one hand, we'll avoid having to give Prague our S91 1st. On the other, we might have just gotten screwed out of a historical season for Moscow where we've had a lot of individual success and a complete team performance in the form of the Victory Cup. On the other side of the bracket, I'm hoping Nico and the Wolves can knock out CGY so we can pick at 9th/10th this draft since we own their 1st. Playoffs are just getting too frustrating to have such a strong team and player in the regular season, just for both to become completely ineffective in the playoffs. Will be glad to get resets on both this offseason.


With Nico retiring likely in 2 weeks when rollover occurs, I'm sure there'll be some thinking about a recreate. I don't quite yet know what I'll be doing, whether I'll recreate immediately or wait a bit for S92. Or even take an extended break and just not worry about my player after some disappointing careers without any championships. Would free up a bit more time to really make sure my jobs are going well without the added commitment to a player and earning, but I still enjoy having a player and being part of a team. I don't want this league to be purely work for me, as much as I like doing things around the league to keep busy in my free time.


So we'll see how everything goes, there's some trade discussions ongoing which is abnormal for me. I typically never talk trades while we're in the playoffs, but there have been some things getting discussed even before the playoffs started, getting ironed out now. Moscow next season will look quite different. Exciting to see how the future goes for both myself and Moscow!

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