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Ben Laas packs his bags


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Ben Laas knew this day would come. The Practices would stop with the Red Wolves, The Games would stop with the Red Wolves, the Moments would stop with the Red Wolves. The won't be forgotten though. Ben never thought he'd be so sad to leave Istanbul as the news of them obviously being disbanded in the wake of the VHLE going down to 6 teams. It's understood league wise, but for the players why their team? why!!!! They have their reasons, but the Red Wolves idea was to hopefully leave the team with a cup to be remembered by. We did not accomplish that though and that's said with great sadness all around. I feel Ben gave his heart out there, but D.C Is calling and he's ready. The team is ready for him when training camp starts. Ben Is ready for them whenever. Ben said his goodbyes to the team and looks forward to hopefully see his former red wolves by his side or against him in the VHL. As were all trying to live our dreams here. This Finals loss may hurt, but You have to take the good with the bad. This Is the bad to an extent as It can be seen as good. It's a stepping stone in our careers. It shows VHL rosters we have what It takes to be good. Now allow us to show you. Ben won't let this chance pass him up as he looks to play with the big boys. Can he stand among the Wolves, or will they eat him up? We will see him in D.C very soon. to my teammates I love you so much genuinely. You made for a great VHLE experience. Thank you! Go Dragons and always remembered Go Red Wolves! till we see you again. 

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