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A year to remember; Trazan rambles about s89


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T’was season 89 and Tord Yvel had been traded from Geneva Rusch to Istanbul Red Wolves.

A season that shall be remembered for more than personal reasons.

With istanbul being erased from the league, we the players and the management team put a lot of pressure on ourselves to go out with a bang.

Sadly we just fell short of that as i will go into more detail further into this Tord Yvel s89 Rambling-Wrap up. 




I would like to start with a big Thank You to all of the Management Team and my teammates.

Without you guys there would be no Tord Yvel.


So for Tord’s S89, It went well. Far above my expectations to be honest. I wasn't expecting Yvel to score a lot. Maybe 0,4-0,5 points a game.

But he surpasses that by a wide margin by scoring at a 1,16 PPG rate for a total of 84 points. Most of them Assists.

Tord even led the VHLE in assists for a good portion of season 89, Ending up sharing the second place for most assists with D-star in the making Cameron Elsby, both at 67 apples

outdone only by Hannibal Barca who had 75.

If someone had told me before the season that Tord would be sharing 2nd place with Cameron Elsby i would have laughed, ROFLMAO'D even.


Add a measly 17 goals to Tord’s season and it may not sound fantastic, But for a D-man who hasn’t spent more than 5 TPE total in shots i think it’s alright.

 Tord isn't built to shoot, And thankfully Tord didn’t shoot much, 162 shots total with a 10,5 Sh%.

If i have to guess Yvel will hover around 8-10% through his career, Maybe even a bit lower.

 That doesn’t bother me much.

Although I will confess that i got kinda hooked counting points this season and checking the score sheets that's not the primary thing that I want Tord to bring to the table. 

Instead I want a Defense focused defenseman that can make good outlet passes to spring the other 4 players on man-advantage-runs


  and now onto where the S89 took an unfortunate turn for Yvel (and The Redwolves)

a part we'll call

"he didn’t really show up when it mattered, The sad sad playoffs"


Going 4-4 must be pretty unusual, But that’s exactly what the Istanbul Red Wolves did.


After giving Rome Gladiators a goose egg(0) Me and my red-jersey mates thought we had a good to great chance at winning the King's Cup.(*1)

 Unfortunately we ran into superteam Cologne Express and they gave us Zero, Noll. Nada.

The truth is that they we're superior to us in pretty much every aspect of the game and I applaud them for that.

They even succeeded in solving the riddle that was our goalie Evan Bihler who made us defensemen look better than we had any right to look.


(*1 It was somewhere around here we learned that The RedWolves would cease to exist after these playoffs.

You could really tell by the comment’s from both current and former members of Istanbul that the franchise would be sorely missed.

Many greats have called it their home and have fond memories of their time there.

I believe Masu Chan was on the cusp of a King’s Cup squad and I'm sad that Me and we couldn’t bring it home.

I'll tell you I had a great time playing under Masu and hope he gets a shot to GM a VHL team some day(If that's what he wants). 


In the playoffs Tord underperformed deluxe. 0-6-6 total points, and horrible defense.

In the future I hope to rectify the rumor that Tord Yvel doesn’t perform in the playoffs, but for now that reputation is well earned. 


Anyway, the show must go on. and soon enough we’ll be gearing up for S90

and i for one cant wait!


I can’t say anything for certain but there has been some rumblings about Tord Yvel graduating to the big league and joining the New York Americans

in their hunt to become a perennial playoff-team after having a pretty long drought finally broken in the season of ‘89.



Thank you all who made s'89 special

 I will always be

proud to have worn the Red!





~720 words

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