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It's Draft Time


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One of the most nerve-wracking times for a prospect is draft day. Theo Allard is another name on the big board who really has no clue what is going to happen with him and where he is going to go. His time in Mexico City did not really end how he would like, and part of Theo's mentality is now that teams may look at that mediocre performance, as a negative. While Theo is max earning, and practicing weekly at the highest pace possible, part of that mindset is still creeping up with him. Regardless though, Theo is putting on a brave face, and going through it with a smile as he just wants to make the best impression possible for his new potential team. Come the actual day of the draft, teams can expect a whole new Theo, who says he will be "ridding" himself of all the bad that happened during the season, and will be coming in fresh and clear. 

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