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Off Season Blues


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It’s the off season right now, teams are getting ready to move forward to the next season.  General Managers are carefully going over there budget caps and looking for ways to come up with the  best line up for season 90 hoping to win the next cup.  And then there are new managers who are looking for their assistants to help them with the draft and to keep the team involved in their respective locker rooms.  Some players are considering on testing free agency, while others are looking to renew their contracts.


Here is a look at Brian Payne, @Scurvy.  Payne is going into his final season and thrilled that he just re-signed with Vancouver.  He is looking forward to his final season and really hopes to drop the gloves against Jake Thunder.  Not that it will do him much good because Thunder will smash his teeth into the back of his head, but its always fun to hope.  Regardless, Brian Payne is a force to be reckoned with and is likely to be Vancouver’s rock on defense.


In addition to his activity in the locker room, Scurvy continues to do what he can to maximize his TPE, not only for his final season, but also for his new player when he retires Brian Payne.  Being a top earner in TPE, he’s likely to put forward a solid player in season 91.


And now a look at Rip Wheeler, @ScottyP.  Wheeler is completely satisfied doing the minimal effort during the off-season by collecting welfare and picking up a couple of trivia points.  After a full season in the VHL, and scoring an impressive three goals and three assists, blocking a whopping six shots, hitting opponents one-hundred and twenty nine times, Rip Wheeler is plastering his locker with trophy photos of himself in his jersey, with a big smile on his face.  Wheeler’s Calgary teammates are hard at work preparing for season 90, while ScottyP is bellied up to the television watching the Women’s World Cup, with his bottle of whiskey in one hand and his *&$# in the other hand.


As Scotty P continues to boost his TPE for Rip Wheeler to become a star forward for Calgary, he relishes on his 25% increase in TPE over the course of the past season and looks to apply his 11 banked TPE to boost Rip Wheeler’s performance to a top-notch winger.  I strategically picked Rip Wheeler as one of my forwards last season for the super-coach league.  Considering he only cost me 3 of the allotted 42, expecting to have Rip tear up the league with goals and assists, it sounded like a very good decision.  Now that Rip Wheeler’s going to cost me 4 of the allotted 42, I will probably skip picking him.  Can’t afford it this season.


Scurvy, there’s only one thing that can be done and it’s up to you to do it.  Tomorrow, sit that boy down and show him the benefits of coming up with a commitment to earn TPE like all of Scurvy’s recruits should be doing.  He’s embarrassing you Scurvy.  He’s making you look like a chump.  A Hayes.  Do you want to be a Hayes?  It’s up to you.


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