Gustav 6,594 Posted August 15, 2023 Share Posted August 15, 2023 (edited) Town of Salem 2: VHL-Official Rule Set Helpful links: Preview/draft thread: with a million thanks to omg as always. Lots of notes for what's changed already, with many more likely on the way. Original ToS rules with terminology helpful to understand ToS2. I don't plan on explaining how the game works on a basic level here but it's explained there--if you don't know anything about this, read the intro sections there first. ToS2 works the same way as the original ToS, sort of. A couple very basic things to keep track of: -Some roles have day actions. All day actions will be processed when your friendly neighborhood Gustav notices them and is available. Because of this, there will likely be some delay (and sometimes there will be significant delay) between submission of a day action and its effects taking place. I specify how I'll handle day actions for specific roles in this thread. Anything else that would change the results of a day during this delay will be decided on a case-by-case basis. -Look out for the new "Neutral Apocalypse" faction! Now we have 4 old-Plaguebearer-ish roles that can become very powerful under the right circumstances. -Many of the roles are more or less old ToS roles with minor changes made to adapt to ToS2, and some are more or less renamed ToS roles. Keep track of this and don't get them mixed up! Finally, any conflict between actual ToS2 gameplay and this ruleset is overridden by the ruleset. ToS2 has limited resources available for people like us to run on our own, and in some cases, differences are necessary to account for our differences in player numbers and game format. If you see differences, please do point them out--if they're actual errors, I'll happily correct them--but I also like to think that this is the most accessible source of information for VHL gameplay and I'd like to keep it as the standard out of interest in fairness. Here's a key for understanding how these roles work as compared to those in original ToS: NO FORMATTING; BOLD ONLY: kept the same as in original ToSBOLD AND ITALICIZED: Role from original ToS with changes made in ToS2RED: New role entirely^^ANY OF THE ABOVE MARKED WITH 2 CARETS: Role with a day action; default modification likely to be end of day mail system "it happens when I see it"**ANY OF THE ABOVE MARKED WITH 2 ASTERISKS: Role with other modifications potentially necessary for forum playORANGE TEXT: Gustav notes Town Roles Town Investigative ^^CORONER Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: No Abilities: - Perform an autopsy on a dead player during the day. - Once an autopsy has been performed, you may check a living player each night to determine if they were the killer. - Enchanters will not make your target appear to be a killer, though Illusionists will affect results. Attributes: - You can reset your autopsy on a new corpse. This is how it appears officially but the only information available through an autopsy is the specific role that killed a player (for example, a player revealed to have been killed by "Coven" can be seen as killed by the Coven Leader by a Coroner). I would accept autopsies as night actions as well, but would not guarantee that I would give autopsy results in that case. INVESTIGATOR Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: No Abilities: - Investigate a player's house at night to see if they have incriminating evidence. Attributes: - You will find incriminating evidence if your target attacked someone that night. - An Enchanter can make your target appear to have incriminating evidence. - An Illusionist can make your target appear to not have incriminating evidence. LOOKOUT Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: No Abilities: - Watch one person at night to see who visits them. Attributes: - You do not visit the person you are watching. - You will not see roles that have Astral visits. The Lookout in ToS1 can only see 3 visits on one night--that limit is not present in ToS2. Also, ToS Lookout does visit their target and ToS2 Lookout does not. ^^PSYCHIC Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: No Abilities: - Target a player to have a vision at night. Attributes: - On odd nights you'll have a vision of three players, at least one will be Evil. - On even nights you'll have a vision of two players, at least one will be Good. - The player you target is included in your vision. - Illusionists can make evil players appear good, and Enchanters can have good players appear evil. Psychic is now slightly stronger (and slightly different) because of the ability to have a vision including a particular player. **If we start gaming this too hard or it becomes too powerful I might revert it back to the original ToS role. SEER Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: No Abilities: - Choose two players at night to determine if they are on opposing factions. Attributes: - You may not choose yourself. - You may not choose a revealed Mayor. - An Enchanter or Illusioner can throw off your results. A Seer in VHL gameplay also may not target a revealed Prosecutor or Deputy. SHERIFF Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: No Abilities: - Search one person each night for suspicious activity. Attributes: - Enchanters can make players appear suspicious. - Illusionists can make players appear innocent. - The holder of the Necronomicon will appear innocent. - All Neutral Evils appear suspicious, while all other Neutrals appear innocent. SPY Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: No Abilities: - You may bug a player’s house to see what happens to them that night. - You will detect what happened to them such as being Attacked, Protected, Roleblocked, Silenced, Dreamweaved, Controlled, Infected and more. - You will also detect hidden effects such as Hex, Douse, Insanity, Enchant, Illusioned and more. Attributes: - You will not see what your target did. - Your information cannot be fooled by any other role. - A bug will remain active until triggered. TRACKER Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: No Abilities: - Track one person each night to see who they visit. Attributes: - You will not see your target visiting if their visit is Astral. - Your information cannot be fooled by any other role. Town Killing **^^DEPUTY Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: No Ability Uses: 1 Abilities: - You may shoot a player during the day. Attributes: - You cannot shoot on Day 1. - If the player you shoot is a Town member, you will immediately die. - Players you shoot during the day are dealt a Powerful Attack. **In actual ToS2 gameplay, this role does not officially work like a Mayor reveal, but in our version, it will to offset delays between the action being taken and closing of the thread. A Deputy will make a post in the thread (which may not be edited or deleted later) stating their role and their target, and this will be officially confirmed by the moderator. The day phase does not end upon a kill by a Deputy or a Conjurer. TRICKSTER Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: No Abilities: Trickster may visit a player at night and play a trick on them, taunting that player into attacking them if able Attributes: -If a Trickster is attacked by a player they taunted, the Trickster will counter-attack with a Powerful Attack. -While a Trickster is tricking someone they will appear suspicious to the Sheriff. -Trickster is now roleblock immune. -Witch is now Taunt immune. -Trickster does not get defense when tricking. If neither Trickster nor attacker has defense added by protection, both will die. VETERAN Stats: Attack: None* Defense: None* Unique: No Ability Uses: 3 Abilities: - Decide if you will go on Alert at night. Attributes: - You will deal a Powerful Attack to any player that visits you when on Alert. - You gain Basic Defense the night you are on Alert. - You will know how many people you shoot. This is the same role as ToS Veteran--except it is not a unique role in ToS2. A Veteran may also be roleblocked. VIGILANTE Stats: Attack: Basic Defense: None Unique: No Ability Uses: 3 Abilities: - Choose to take justice in your own hands and shoot someone at night. Attributes: - You cannot shoot Night 1. - If you kill a Townmember, you will die at the beginning of the day. - Players you shoot will be dealt a Basic Attack. Town Power JAILOR Stats: Attack: None* Defense: None Unique: Yes Ability Uses: 3 Abilities: - During the day, you may choose a player to Jail the following night. - You may choose to execute your prisoner, dealing a Powerful Attack. This may be stopped only by an Admirer or a roleblock. Attributes: - You may not Execute someone on Night 1. - You may not Jail the same player twice in a row. - You may anonymously talk with your prisoner. - Jailed players cannot be targeted by any direct ability, except a Jester's Haunt. - If you execute a Town member, you will lose the ability to Jail. A Jailor in ToS2 cannot jail the same player twice in a row, and I've been considering making that the case for ToS1 as well. Additionally, killing a Town member revokes the Jailor's ability to Jail to begin with--not just kill as in ToS1. MAYOR Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: Yes Abilities: - You may Reveal yourself as the Mayor of the Town during the day. Attributes: - You may not Reveal Day 1. - When Revealed, your vote counts as 3. - When Revealed, your Defense cannot be raised above None.* The most fair interpretation of the last bullet point, based on how we think game mechanics work, is that a Mayor may be protected from one attack by a Bodyguard as we'll say that a Bodyguard intercepts an attack before it happens (and I will rule that a Mayor in Jail is granted the same level of defense there as any other role). This may change in the future depending on what we can continue to learn. MONARCH Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: Yes Ability Uses: 2 Abilities: - Choose another player to Knight at night. Attributes: - A Knighted player will permanently have an extra vote. - You will have Basic Defense while a Knighted player is alive. - You can not Knight the same player twice. A player being Knighted will be announced publicly at the start of the next day. Also, we will rule that a revealed Mayor may NOT be Knighted. **^^PROSECUTOR Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: Yes Ability Uses: 2 Abilities: - You may Prosecute a player during the day. Attributes: - A Prosecuted player will be lynched instantly upon action being taken. - If you Prosecute a Town member, you will die immediately. **Like Deputy, I will treat this role's action in the same way as a Mayor reveal. A Prosecutor must state their role and their target in the game thread and ping the moderator in a message that may not be altered upon posting. A Prosecutor kill immediately ends the Day phase. Town Protective BODYGUARD Stats: Attack: None* Defense: None Unique: No Abilities: - Protect a player one direct attack each night. - Stay at home and protect yourself for the night, gaining Basic Defense. Attributes: - If your target is directly attacked, or the victim of a harmful visit, you and the visitor will fight. -*Players you fight will be dealt a Powerful Attack. - You cannot protect from passive attacks. - You can only protect yourself twice. ToS2 Bodyguard can self-protect twice instead of once. This is the only change. CLERIC Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: No Abilities: - Cast a protective barrier on a player each night, granting Powerful Defense and curing Poison. - Stay at home and cast a barrier on yourself. Attributes: - You will know if your target was attacked. - You may only cast a barrier on yourself once. This is the Doctor from ToS1 with a new name--nothing different otherwise. CRUSADER Stats: Attack: None* Defense: None Unique: No Abilities: - Protect a player each night, granting Powerful Defense. Attributes: - *You will deal a Basic Attack to one random visitor to your target that night. - You will know if your target was attacked. TRAPPER Stats: Attack: None* Defense: None Unique: No Abilities: - Place a Trap at another player's house at night, granting Powerful Defense against one attack. - Select yourself at night to Dismantle a Trap, removing it from the player. Attributes: - Traps take one day to build, and you can only have one Trap out at a time. - Traps stay on a player until they are triggered or dismantled. - *Traps are triggered when a player directly visits one, and will deal a Powerful Attack to one harmful visitor. - You will know the roles of the players that trigger your Trap. Town Support ^^**ADMIRER Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: No Ability Uses: 2* Abilities: - You may propose to a player during the day. - Once you have a Lover you may Care for them at night. Attributes: - *If they accept both of your roles will be revealed to each other and you lose any remaining proposals. - If your target accepts and is a Town member you will become Lovers and you can Care for them at night. - if your Lover dies you will die. If you die, your lover will die. - Caring for a player will give them powerful defense, and remove some negative effects - If your target accepts and is a Non-Town member you will be in a Toxic Relationship and you will be silenced the following day. - You cannot propose to a player on day one. **Proposing during the day is necessary because it will be a message ("[Player], your Admirer, has Proposed to you! Do you accept?" ...or something similar) at the start of the night phase. I believe I will try to work with the "silenced" mechanic for the Toxic Relationship part for now (cannot post, vote, or react) but I don't plan on modkilling anyone over it except in extreme cases. I also believe that "negative effects" includes hidden effects detectable by a Spy (Hexed, Doused, etc.) and will be treating this as such. AMNESIAC Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: No Abilities: - Remember a Townmember to inherit their role at night. Attributes: - You will automatically remember the first Town role that you see appear in the graveyard at night. The Amnesiac does not have control over the role that's remembered and will remember the first Town role that is in the graveyard. If multiple roles appear at the same time (ex. two deaths on N1), one will be chosen at random. However, Town Power roles will be prioritized. RETRIBUTIONIST Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: No Abilities: - Raise a dead Townmember and use their ability on another player at night. Attributes: - You will learn any notifications the Town member that you use would receive. - You only visit the Town member you use. - You are immune to roleblocks and controls. - You may not use Stoned roles. Bodies are not "used up" after one visit as in ToS1 and visits to the same body can be repeated. Mechanics involving another Retributionist or a Necromancer visiting the same body at the same time (who gets to use it?) will be treated here the same as in ToS1. TAVERN KEEPER Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: No Abilities: - Have a celebratory beverage with a player at night, roleblocking them. Attributes: - The following day, the player will have a hangover and be immune to roleblocks the following night. - If you attempt to roleblock an uncautious Serial Killer, they will attack you. - You are immune to roleblocks. Coven Roles Necronomicon Priority: Coven Leader Wildling Conjurer Medusa Poisoner Witch Dreamweaver Enchanter VoodooMaster HexMaster Necromancer PotionMaster Illusionist Ritualist Jinx Coven Deception **DREAMWEAVER Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: Yes Abilities: - You may invade the dreams of a player and attempt to drive them Insane. Attributes: - Players will go not Insane the following night if they are visited by a Town member, or if they are a non-Town role. - Insane players cannot use any day abilities, and will randomly vote and target at night. - Insanity is permanent until you die. - With the Necronomicon, you will also deal a Basic Attack to your target. Dreamweaving is a night action and a player who is visited by a Dreamweaver will be notified as part of night results the next morning. For now, the random voting will go as follows: Players are free to speak as they wish in the game thread, including submitting votes (although these will not be counted later). The end of each day phase will come with a vote count in my post. Numbers of votes collected for each player will be revealed, but which player submitted which vote will not be. For example, 8 "votes for Player A - [list of 8 voters]" as written in any counts in the thread will be shown as "7 votes for Player A/1 vote for Player B" with no further explanation at the end of the day if one of those voters is Insane and a vote is counted for a different player. ENCHANTER Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: Yes Abilities: - Enchant a player with evil energy each night. - Alter your target's Role and Last Will at night. Your target will appear as what you selected if they die that night. Attributes: - Enchanted players appear suspicious to Coroners, Investigators, Psychic, and Sheriffs. Enchanted players appear as a Coven member to Seers. - Enchants last on a player until they are visited by an Investigative role. - All Coven members will see an Altered player's true Role and Last Will in the graveyard. - You may only Alter a player 2 times. - With the Necronomicon, you will also deal a Basic Attack to your target. Enchant and Alter may not be done on the same night. This role is similar to a combined Forger/Framer from ToS1. ILLUSIONIST Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: Yes Abilities: - You may cast an Illusion on a Coven member at night to make them appear innocent. Attributes: - Your Illusioned target will appear innocent to Investigators and Sheriffs. - Your Illusions will make Psychics see your target as good. - Your Illusioned target will appear as a Town member to Seers. - Bodyguards and Trappers will not interact with an Illusioned player. - With the Necronomicon, you may deal a Basic Attack to your target instead of casting an Illusion, unless they are a Coven member. As far as Trapper mechanics go, my ruling for now is that a Trapper visiting an Illusioned target will be able to place a Trap but the Trap will not give the target defense and will not kill an attacker. In the interest of fairness for a Trapper, the trap will still be triggered upon a visit. MEDUSA Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: Yes Ability Uses: 3 Abilities: - You may choose to Stone Gaze a player at night. Attributes: - If a player you Stone Gaze dies that night, their Role and Last Will are hidden upon death to all non-Coven members. - With the Necronomicon, you will also deal a Basic Attack to your target. Classic Medusa, but one that does not kill with a Stone Gaze as in ToS1. Coven Killing ^^**CONJUROR Stats: Attack: None* Defense: None Unique: Yes Ability Uses: 1 Abilities: - *Conjure a meteor to deal a Powerful Attack towards a player during the day. Attributes: - You cannot conjure a meteor Day 1. - With the Necronomicon, you may deal a Basic Attack to a player each night. For VHL gameplay, the Conjuror must submit their Day action (if desired) as a Discord message, with a ping, no less than 3 hours before the stated end of Day phase (in the morning post). If no time is given in that post, the Conjuror's deadline will be considered to be 7:00 PM Eastern. Killing a player with a meteor does not immediately end the Day phase. Additionally, a Mayor reveal that takes place during this time will officially take effect the following morning--the Mayor will be confirmed at that point but is still afforded the same ability to be protected as before revealing for that night. This is not how either situation works in real gameplay but I see it as the only way to avoid severely disadvantaging either Town or Coven with mod delays. JINX Stats: Attack: None* Defense: None Unique: Yes Abilities: - *You may choose to lie in wait at your target's house, dealing a Basic Attack to one random non-Coven visitor. Attributes: - All players visiting your target will learn your identity. - With the Necronomicon, your target is also dealt a Basic Attack. - You will inherit the Necronomicon last. This is ToS1 Ambusher but for Coven. RITUALIST Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: Yes Ability Uses: 3 Abilities: - You may perform a Blood Ritual on a player at night, attempting to guess their role. Attributes: - If you guess your target's role correctly, they will be dealt an Unstoppable Attack. - If you guess your target's role incorrectly, you will be revealed as the Ritualist. - With the Necronomicon, you may deal a Basic Attack to your target instead of performing a Blood Ritual. - You cannot guess Town Investigative roles or officially revealed Town roles (Mayor, Prosecutor, Deputy). The identity of the Ritualist is revealed to all players upon an incorrect guess with the message: "[Player] cast a spell on someone, but it backfired! They must be a Ritualist!" Coven Power COVEN LEADER Stats: Attack: Basic* Defense: None* Unique: Yes Abilities: - Choose a player to kill each night. Attributes: - You will gain the Necronomicon first. -With your deep knowledge of the Necronimicon you unlock its full potential to empower your offense or defense. -*With empowered offense you have a Powerful Attack and Roleblock immunity. -*With empowered defense you have Basic Defense. Offense or defense will be able to be changed each night. If none is specified on a given night, the last one selected will be given (and neither will be given automatically if neither one is specified to begin with). HEX MASTER Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: Yes Abilities: - You may choose to Hex a player each night. Attributes: - Hexes are permanent. - When all living non-Coven members are Hexed, all Hexed players are dealt a passive Unstoppable Attack. This bypasses all defense--even Invincible defense given to roles such as Pestilence. - With the Necronomicon, you gain Astral visits and will deal a Basic Attack to your target. WITCH Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: Yes Abilities: - Control someone into a player of your choice each night. Attributes: - You will know the role of the player you control. - You are immune to roleblocks. - With the Necronomicon, your target is also dealt a Basic Attack. - You cannot control the same person twice in a row. This is a Neutral role in ToS1, but a Coven role here. Coven Utility NECROMANCER Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: Yes Abilities: - Raise a dead player and use their ability on another player at night. Attributes: - You will learn any notifications the player that you use would receive. - With the Necronomicon, you gain the ability to summon a ghoul each night, dealing a Basic Attack to a player. We will allow the Necromancer to target themselves, and like Retributionist, the Necromancer may use the same body more than once. POISONER Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: Yes Abilities: - Have a beverage with your target at night, roleblocking them. - Poison a beverage once per game. Attributes: - The following day, the player will have a hangover and be immune to roleblocks the following night. - If you roleblock an uncautious Serial Killer, they will attack you. - A Poisoned beverage will kill the player the following night. The Poison can be cured by a Cleric or Potion Master. - You can only poison 1 beverage. - With the Necronomicon, you will also deal a Basic Attack to your target. This role has become ToS1 Consort, but with a one-time Poison ability. POTION MASTER Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: Yes Abilities: - You may use a Protect or Reveal Potion on another player at night. Attributes: - Protect Potions grant the target Powerful Defense, and cure Poison. - Reveal Potions will reveal the target's role to all Coven members. - With the Necronomicon, you gain the ability to use an Attack Potion, dealing a Basic Attack to a target. Same potions, different ways to use them. There is no cooldown period between different ones (you may use the same potion twice in a row), and the attack potion isn't accessible until getting the Necronomicon. VOODOO MASTER Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: Yes Abilities: - Choose a player each night to create a Voodoo Doll of, silencing them the next day. Attributes: - Your target cannot talk or whisper the next day. - You cannot silence the same player twice in a row. - With the Necronomicon, your will also deal a Basic Attack to your target. - Silenced players will not be able to vote during the Discussion phase, but can vote during the Judgement phase. This is ToS1 Blackmailer, except this cannot be done twice in a row. I don't see myself using this role much because blackmail/silencing mechanics don't work well on the forum, but here it is! I suppose it's possible at some point, but don't count on it. WILDLING Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: Yes Abilities: - Select a target each night. You will see who your target visits and who visits your target. Attributes: - With the Necronomicon, you may deal a Basic Attack to a player each night. - If whispers are used in any VHL gameplay, the Wildling may see them. Neutral Roles Neutral Apocalypse *You will be guaranteed at least one Neutral Apocalypse role per game. In Four Horsemen mode, all appear at once. All Neutral Apocalypse roles may see players with bread, as well as plagued player effects. **BAKER/FAMINE Baker Stats: Attack: None Defense: Basic Unique: Yes Abilities: - Choose a player to give bread to at night. Attributes: - If 3 living players have bread, you will transform into Famine. - Players with bread will starve slower when the Famine begins. - If there are less than 3 players alive before you transform, you will die and lose the game. VHL modification: Bread requirements will be scaled up to accommodate the amount of players present. These will be arbitrary for the time being and may be adjusted later. 17 or fewer players: 3 living players with bread needed to become Famine at all times 18-22 players: 4 players needed, to decrease to 3 when there are 7 or fewer remaining 23-26 players: 5 players needed, to decrease to 4 with 12 or fewer players and 3 with 8 or fewer players 27-30 players: 6 players needed, to decrease to 5 with 18 or fewer players, 4 with 13 or fewer, and 3 with 9 or fewer Goal: Successfully give bread to the required number of living players and become Famine. FAMINE Stats Attack: None Defense: Invincible Unique: Yes Abilities: - Choose a player each night to speed up their starvation by one day. Attributes: - The night after you transform, all players without bread will be dealt an Unstoppable Attack. - Players with bread will live an additional three days before dying of starvation. - You are immune to roleblocks and controls. Goal: Kill everyone that would oppose you. Players will not know they have bread. In real gameplay, this is a flat "3 players have bread", but in our version, we have to scale the amount of players needed to accommodate variances in game sizes. **BERSERKER/WAR Berserker Stats: Attack: Powerful Defense: Basic Unique: Yes Abilities: - Attack a player on Full Moon Nights. Attributes: - With each kill, your powers grow. - On your first kill, you may attack each night. - On your second kill, you will Rampage at your target's house, passively killing any visitors. - On your third kill, you will transform into War. Goal: Kill three players and become War. WAR Stats: Attack: Unstoppable Defense: Invincible Unique: Yes Abilities: - Kill a player each night, dealing an Unstoppable Attack. - You may attack two players each night. Attributes: - You will Rampage at your target's house, passively killing any visitors. - You may not be roleblocked. - You will attack a Jailor that jails you. Goal: Kill everyone who would oppose you. If you're familiar with ToS1 Juggernaut, this is it--but with Invincible Defense and two attacks once becoming War. More powerful! PLAGUEBEARER/PESTILENCE Plaguebearer Stats: Attack: None Defense: Basic Unique: Yes Abilities: - You may choose to infect a player with the Plague each night. Attributes: - Infections spread when a player visits or is visited by an Infected player. - You will Infect anyone that visits you. - Plaguebearer visits will infect players before other visits occur. A player visited by a Plaguebearer and one other player on the same night will infect both if neither was originally Infected. - Players will not be notified that they are Infected. - When all living players are infected, you will transform into Pestilence. Goal: Successfully infect all living players and become Pestilence. PESTILENCE Stats: Attack: None Defense: Invincible Unique: Yes Abilities: - Spread pestilence onto members of the Town. Attributes: - When Plaguebearer becomes Pestilence, all plague applied to players becomes one stack of pestilence. - A player visiting another player will spread a stack of pestilence onto that player. - A player visiting Pestilence will spread a stack of pestilence onto themselves. - Players with 3 stacks of pestilence will die from an Unstoppable Attack. - Pestilence may visit a player each night to spread the maximum amount of pestilence onto that player. - Neutral Apocalypse roles will never exceed one stack of pestilence per player. Goal: Kill everyone that would oppose you. PB works (almost) exactly the same, but Pest is completely different. **SOUL COLLECTOR/DEATH Soul Collector Stats: Attack: None Defense: Basic Unique: Yes Abilities: - Watch a player each night and attempt to collect their soul. Attributes: - Soul Collector visits are Astral. - If the player you watch dies at night, you will collect their soul. - You will passively gain one soul from the Underworld each night. - When you have collected 6 souls*, you will transform into Death. *VHL modification: scaling number of souls required based on player count 7 souls required for 18 players 8 required for 20 9 required for 22 10 required for 25 11 required for 28 12 required for 30 Goal: Successfully collect the required number of souls and become Death. DEATH Stats: Attack: None Defense: Invincible Unique: Yes Abilities: - Bring forth the Apocalypse the following night that you transform. Attributes: - All living players will be dealt an Unstoppable Attack the night the Apocalypse occurs. - If you are lynched the day before the Apocalypse occurs, the Apocalypse will not take place and you will lose the game. Goal: Kill everyone that would oppose you. Arrival of Death will be announced at the start of a Day phase, with the Town getting its chance to lynch over one day phase regardless of when transformation occurs. Neutral Evil DOOMSAYER Stats: Attack: None Defense: Basic Unique: No Abilities: - Select three players each night and attempt to guess their roles. Attributes: - If you correctly guess the roles of all three players, they will be dealt an Unstoppable Attack. - After successfully Dooming three players, you will leave the Town in victory. - Guessing a player's role bypass Jail. - You cannot guess Town Investigative roles or officially revealed Town roles (Mayor, Prosecutor, Deputy). - Town roles will require an exact guess, while in the case of non-Town roles, just a faction (Neutral Evil, Neutral Killing, Neutral Apocalypse, Random Coven) is required. Goal: Successfully Doom three players. EXECUTIONER Stats: Attack: None Defense: Basic Unique: No Abilities: - Choose a player at night and try to get them hanged the next day. Attributes: - If you successfully hang your target, you will torment a guilty or abstaining voter, dealing an Unstoppable Attack. You may choose a target yourself; otherwise one will be selected randomly. - If you successfully hang your target, you will walk away from the town in victory. - Target must be chosen on Night 1. This will count as a visit. - The Executioner's target cannot change unless the target dies Goal: Hang your target by any means necessary. JESTER Stats: Attack: None Defense: None Unique: No Abilities: - Trick everyone into voting against you. Attributes: - If you are hanged, you will Haunt one of your guilty or abstaining voters with an Unstoppable Attack the following night. - Your Haunt bypasses Jail. - You may stay at home and protect yourself once to gain Basic Defense. Goal: Get yourself hanged by any means necessary. Same role, but Sheriff now sees it as evil. Can also self-protect once. PIRATE Stats: Attack: Unstoppable Defense: None Unique: Yes Abilities: - Choose a player during the day to Duel the following night. Attributes: - When a player is Dueled, they will be roleblocked and must choose one of three options in attempt to defend themselves. - If your target doesn't defend themselves, you will plunder them, dealing an Unstoppable Attack. - If your target defends themselves, you will not plunder them. - If there are not enough players alive for you to plunder, you will die of scurvy. - Once you have successfully plundered 2 players you will walk away from the town in victory. Goal: - Successfully plunder 2 players. Attack is now unstoppable. Neutral Killing ARSONIST Stats: Attack: Unstoppable Defense: Basic Unique: No Abilities: - Douse someone in gasoline each night. - You may Ignite at night, dealing all Doused players an Unstoppable Attack. Attributes: - You will passively Douse anyone that visits you. - If you take no action, you will attempt to clean any gasoline off yourself. - If Jailed and released from Jailor, the Jailor will be Doused. Goal: Kill everyone who would oppose you. SERIAL KILLER Stats: Attack: Basic* Defense: Basic Unique: No Abilities: - Kill a player each night, dealing a Basic Attack. - You can choose to go Cautious at night, not attacking any roleblockers. - When you have gotten 2 sucessful kills in a row your Bloodlust consumes you causing your next attack to be a Powerful Rampaging Attack. Attributes: - If you are roleblocked, you will attack the roleblocker in addition to your target, having their Last Will hidden upon death. - If you are Jailed, you will attack the Jailor. - If you are Dueled, you will attack the Pirate. Goal: Kill everyone who would oppose you. We don't stack up Bloodlust kills--if one is Bloodlust, the next one won't be. The two kills that are required for this may come on the same night, in the case of killing a player attempting to role block the Serial Killer. SHROUD Stats: Attack: Basic Defense: Basic Unique: No Abilities: - Choose to attack or Shroud a player at night. Attributes: - When Shrouding, you will deliver an Astral Basic Attack to any players that they visit that night. - Shrouded players will appear to be a harmful visitor that night. - You will attack the Shrouded player if the Shrouded player doesn't visit. Goal: Kill everyone who would oppose you. Yes, a Shrouded player appearing harmful will set off a trap and be killed by a Trapper. The same applies for Bodyguard defenses. WEREWOLF Stats: Attack: Powerful Defense: Basic Unique: No Abilities: - Transform into a Werewolf and maul a player on Full Moon Nights, dealing a Powerful Attack. - On non-Werewolf nights, you may visit a player to record their scent. Attributes: - You will Rampage at your target's house, passively attacking any visitors. - You will passively attack any of your visitors if you are roleblocked or if you stay home on a Full Moon Night. - If you are Jailed or Dueled on a Full Moon Night, you will attack the Jailor or Pirate. - You will be able to permanently track players whose scent has been recorded, seeing their visits throughout the game. I will rule (for now) that you will not see visits of players revived by a Retributionist or Necromancer. Goal: Kill everyone who would oppose you. Specific to ToS2 is Ghost Town mode--this won't be used with standard rules, but in Ghost Town mode, everyone gets a vote, living or dead! Edited September 13, 2023 by Gustav Subject056 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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