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Logan and Izumi check on their baby


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 "So your mom was born in Kentucky huh?" Izumi asks her husband Logan Foley while she was munching on some pieces of cheese.


 "Yeah, but Dad said not to mention it as she apparently has a bit of a sore spot for it for whatever reason." Logan says as he munches on popcorn. Both of them were watching a Friday the 13th movie because Izumi won the right to choose the movie in a football game bet. "Anyways, how is our bun in the oven? It seems that they like cheese."


 "Yeah I am craving cheese for like every meal along with vanilla pudding right now" Izumi laughs a bit "they are fine, I felt them kick close to you a few times but forgot to say anything because you were busy with some other stuff"


 "Wow really?" Logan says as he puts his hand on Izumi's belly. Before Izumi could get on him for getting butter from his hands onto her nice shirt, the baby kicked right were his hand was "oh my god! She kicked!"


 "That's amazing Logan, they must really be excited to meet their new dad!" Izumi giggles as she gently puts his hand on her belly again "I really hope that we will be good parents for them"


"I know we will honey. I just really hope that they will like VHL hockey too!" They both laugh and share a kiss.

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