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VOTE: My next player build?


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As I go into my final season with Defenseman, Brian Payne I really hope to end my first gen player on a high note, a Continental Cup.  I have tasted whiskey from the Cup one time, and I really want to help Vancouver win it.  My time in the VHL has been amazing and I am going to continue with a re-create next season that I plan on max earning with.  


I am struggling to choose a position for my next player.  Now, I played defense in hockey growing up in hockey and football (not soccer), and my favorite players in the NHL are defensemen. 


So, with that being said, I would love a vote from some of the few of you who probably are going to read this.  Here are four build types below.  Please help me choose my next player:


1:  Rugged defenseman with scoring touch:   Player similar type: Brian Payne/Jake Thunder


2.  Gritty forward that hits and scores:            Player similar type: Duncan Idaho/Vasile Lamb


3. Offensive Defenseman:                                    Player similar type: Tui Sova/Callum Murray


4. Enforcer/Scorer/hitter                                                 Player similar type: Vinny Detroit/Druss Deathwalker



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I love the two way forwards of the VHL and if you’re interested in that route then you have my vote. Check out Groovy Dood too, won like 3 or 4 Boulet‘s I think and dominated in that category

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