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Logan and Izumi talk about their neighbors


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 "Hey honey, welcome home!" Izumi smiles as she hugs her husband Logan Foley as he finally came home from the latest Seattle Bears home game "now please tell me you got the ice cream" 


 "I sure did Izumi" Logan says as he shows Izumi the ice cream as she gasps in happiness "I also met a couple of our neighbors at the store" 


 "Wow really?" Izumi asks as she opens the ice cream "which ones were they?"


 "It was a woman named Abigail and her son Benny. I actually signed Benny's hat and it seemed to make him pretty happy"


 "Oh I know Abigail, I met her during the potluck." Izumi smiles "she is a lot nicer then Rachel, who I swear loves to snoop and spread rumors on everyone she can. I mean hell, she told me a bunch of stuff about every neighbor she could once we were alone and the minute someone else came into the room she stopped. I really do not like talking to her"


 "Yeah she seems like she is someone to avoid" Logan tries to get some ice cream as he says this, but she pulls it away "honey you are not eating that whole ice cream bucket"


 "I wasn't gonna eat it all!" She pouts "I was just not done getting my bowl yet"


 "Well still you better leave me some, I bought it. After some of those hits I took on the ice, I could use some"

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