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Appreciation of Depreciation - No!


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It’s once again time to step up and write something that no one will read in order to pick up 6 tpe so that it eases the pain of depreciation.  $15,000,000 paid out before the season began so that depreciation would not hurt so badly… A lot of good that did!  With all that being said, try and guess what this word mumble jumble is going to be about.


Starting with Ronan Lavelle, @Arce, who is probably the best hockey player in the VHL right now.  Lavelle has been a point scorer and leader for his team throughout his career.  In season 89, Lavelle deservedly took home the Kevin Brooks Trophy and the Mike Szatkowski Trophy.  Stepping into season 90, Lavelle purchased $19,000,000 in depreciation cutting, and still took a hit.  As of writing this, Lavelle has earned an extraordinary TPE, that being 1963.  His current TPA is 1347.  Even with the percentage reduction purchase, Lavelle was hit with 230 TPE depreciation to start season 90.  In season 89, Lavelle was blasted with 188 TPE, and that was after purchasing the “Still Kicking” depreciation blocker.  With all this being said, how much has this affected Ronan Lavelle’s ability to be a superstar?  Based only on statistical data comparing last season to this season, Lavelle’s performance has reduced a whopping .02 points per game.  The problem with this study is Lavelle is no longer on Moscow and therefore any comparing on statistical data is useless, other than the fact that Lavelle continues to be in the top 10 in the league, so for all of you who picked Ronan Lavelle on your VHL fantasy team, or your super coach team, rest assured, you picked a winner and can’t go wrong.


The next player to research is none other than Brian Payne, @Scurvy.  Knowing scurvy and his propensity to want to jam an ice pick in his brain when there is a discussion about numbers, percentages, and statistical data, I’m going to try to dig deeply into how depreciation has affected Brian Payne, if nothing else but to frustrate the shit out of Scurvy and make @ScottyP smile when he sees scurvy.  So… looking at Brian Payne’s TPE earnings, which is currently at 1791 TPE, and since this is Brian Payne’s final season in the VHL, one can only expect him to apply all his TPE as he earns it.  That being said, he’s currently at 1173.  Now that’s a depreciation hit.  Just like Ronan Lavelle, Brian Payne purchased $19,000,000 of deprecation suppression to start season 90, and the “Still Kicking” blocker in season 89.  Paine felt the pain when he was hit with 237 TPE depreciation to start season 90.  He lost 188 TPE to start season 89, and  another 193 to start season 88.  In three seasons of depreciation, Brian Payne lost 618 TPE, for a 34.5% depreciation.


Brian Payne has been a defensive superstar his entire career in the VHL, and even with deprecation taking a toll on his TPE, he’s still got the hockey skills to contribute to his team, which I hate to see!  In fact, last season, Payne contributed an average of 1.16 point per game and this season he is contributing 1.5 points per game thus far.  Even though Payne has been spending less time at Curve’s and has been drinking a whole lot more Whiteclaw with Rip Wheeler, @ScottyP, Payne’s hits per game has jumped up to 4.05 per game, from 3.625 last season.  At this current pace, Brian Payne is likely to land his name on the top 25 all time hit list, which is quite respectable.  Rip Wheeler is getting late in the hit game, but kudos Rip, as you are hitting opponents 5.05 per game this season.  Had your nuts dropped last season, you could possibly be as good as Brian Payne.


As much as it hurts for me to say this, even with Brian Payne’s depreciation, he’s still a top VHL player and for those of you who picked Payne on your fantasy team and super coach team, you made a good choice.


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3 minutes ago, Scurvy said:

He is killing it with hits tho.  I just hope one of us can beat his ass before we retire 

And we will never hear the end of it when he wins the trophy.   We have to pound his ass.  He’s still your pussy.

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Article Review - This article looks at two top players in the league and potentially comes down to the conclusion that depreciation doesn't matter.  If planned properly, if proper allocation of resources occur it can be a minimal impact.  I think this is the conclusion, or maybe the writer just wanted to compliment 2 friends for having great player builds.  Either way it was well articulated and easy to ready, relevant to the community at large.


I give it a 9/10, basically an irrelevant ranking but that is how reviews go.

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