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Fourth quarter report for Kadachi S90 VHLM Struggling finish


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Hello VHL goers and welcome to our last quarterly report for season 90. Up today is Toby Kadachi, after a strong second quarter with the Hounds and third quarter overall things once again slowed down for him in the final 25% of the season. Putting up 13 points is better than his first quarter with the team, better by one point but we still hoped to see him finish better. He scored 6 goals and 7 assists, putting him up to 31 goals, 31 assists for 62 points on the season. Not bad at all, only 10 points under a point per game. 30 plus goals is good and any team would be happy with that. Kadachi put up 27 hits in the quarter bringing him up to exactly 150 on the season. We wouldn't say this season was underwhelming but there's no doubt that people were expecting a little more out of him, and we're sure Kadachi wanted to provide a bit more to. Best of luck to the Hounds in the playoffs! We'll see you readers for next season.


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