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Fight not to win, but to avoid losing. A surefire losing strategy.


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Waiting is the hardest part 

After a twelve game trial run last year in the VHLM, Riley Martin was excited to come back for a full season to see what the VHLM had to offer the youngster in terms of development. Martin put in a lot of work in the off-season to be the best player under 201 TPE he could be. Now after fourteen games with the Halifax 21st, Martin is wondering if the VHL was the right choice for his hockey career. While losing is never fun, as Halifax currently has a 1-13-0 record, Martin has noticed a very different atmosphere than he experienced last season with the Miami Marauders. After the draft, Martin was promptly invited into the Halifax locker room by the General Manager, which would be the last time Martin had any interaction with the General Manager until this past weekend, when Martin overheard the GM comment on the rough past week. Now to be fair to Halifax’s General Manager and Assistant General Manger Martin hasn’t gone into the locker room to be the most vocal player,  only speaking up a handful of times, but things might have to chance to allow Martin to enjoy coming to the rink day in and day out. With only two roster players, currently active on the roster one of those changes might be shipping Martin, and goaltender. Giorgiy Constanzov to another French use to allow Halifax to fast track another rebuild. 


P.S. I have no issues with anyone in the LR and would never hold it against a GM or AGM if they are not able to post in the LR each week. Just east to write about and I needed points. 

Edited by Smarch
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