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A Little Check In


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Hello VHL, 


I know it’s been a few weeks since I last contributed a media spot and I’ve just been claiming Welfare because of everything going on in real life. Wedding planning has taken up about 80% of my time and energy so I think it’s fair to say that the sim league in my life was one of the first things to fall by the waist side. But the good news is that my wedding is almost here so in a few weeks life will be back to normal; only I’ll be married. So, I thought that since today I have a little bit of free time and some creative juices, that I would just talk about my thoughts on what has been going on in the VHL. I’ve been lurking so I have kept up with the happenings and I thought I’d just talk about some of them.


So first off, my article from forever ago about relocating London. Has there been any movement on that? Because I was like, only 40% kidding. I really do think that relocating London would be good for the team and the league. I think picking up from a meh location with a meh logo and seemingly no mascot and moving it to a beautiful location with a badass name and amazing logo would be great. I know a lot of change is always proposed around here with shrinking the M or abolishing the E but I don’t see it hurting anyone to move London to Scotland. I think being able to inject a new location and some new color and life into the league would be something worth doing. 


One topic I’ve been reading the many (oh my god please stop there’s too many) articles on is the recruitment team. I’ve been reading a lot of points from both sides while keeping my own thoughts to myself. While I do think that there is some improvement to be made to the way the recruitment team utilizes the Instagram account, I also think that there is only so much they can do with a budget of $0. It’s not like we spend a lot of money on ads outside of YouTubers and I read that prices are going up for those. So if the budget is non-existent and they are just people who get paid in pretend points to do the work, what can be expected of them? I agree with some that maybe we need to move from repurposing member content to creating original content to work as ads. I also wonder if maybe the hashtags should be played around with in order to get to a wider audience. Then that of course leads to the argument that you can only pull from a well for so long. Maybe the sim league interest isn’t what it used to be, at least for people who want to stay active. Or perhaps we need to find a new method of outreach. Should we attempt to get the subreddit active? There are only 2 posts and 4 members. Maybe we should encourage people to share there. More clicks equal more views.


And I guess I’ll finish off this catchup by freaking out a little about how Jesse is doing. Honestly after last season I really didn’t think they would get their shit together. I am blown away by their stats and their current placement at the top. I mean honestly. Jesse has never had this good of a record this far into the season. I hope it keeps going and maybe we can get another cup under their belt. I think it would be so badass to be a first gen with 2 cups with the same team. I don’t know if that’s common or rare or somewhere in the middle but it would for sure be a point of pride in my player.



650 words for week ending 11/19/2023

Edited by aimkin
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First gen with 2 cups on the same team sounds excellent!  Teno is really giving us a chance to win every game and we are mostly taking advantage of that!  Loving the season so far!


Good luck with the rest of the wedding planning!

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