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King Kisslinger getting serious


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King Kisslinger has been picking up his play on the ice currently, finally finding his way to the score sheets and working towards become that player he knew he can be. King Kisslinger has been scoring a point in almost every game played recently for the past couple sims and it is hype to see. Earlier in the season he was in a slump and could not find his way out but it seems like he has found his stride. “I have been playing some top notch hockey” stated King Kisslinger. “Lately i have been gaining so much confidence and my team members have been encouraging me and I’m just in a really good spot right now. I honestly wouldn’t change a thing about our team, we are slowly building a culture here and i know you can see it with some of our games. I’m really hoping this play continues and i can lock in more!” King Kisslinger said.

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