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Loona signs her first autograph


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 Loona breathes in and out as she jogs another lap around the beach. It was a beautiful day in San Diego, and Loona was taking advantage of it by keeping her body in shape for the ProAm tournament and the upcoming VHLM draft and season. 


 "Ummm hey Loona!" Loona's ears perk up as she turns to see a girl and her family walking up to her. The girl nervously hands her a photo "umm I hope you do not mind, but we are from London on vacation and we got this photo of you playing in one of the last games of the season and well we were hoping you could sign it"


 "Well then this actually a first. But you do realize that I am not technically from the UK right?" Loona asks


 "Yes but you do have citizenship there and we think that you will do great things in the VHL regardless" the girl smiles


 "Well I guess you are right" Loona smiles as she signs the photo "congratulations you are the first person to ask me for an autograph. I better not see that photo on eBay for at least a few years"


 "Don't worry, we would not dream of that" the family said thier goodbyes as they walked away from Loona.


 "Heh, people actually happy to see me and signing autographs. I could get used to this" Loona smiles before going back to jogging.

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