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Malmo's current state (pt1)

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Malmo’s current state seems to be a heavily focused young core the main 3 forwards are Savaisk Tzesar Ronald Johnson MacWallace The III and Phillip Rave, which each are incredibly skilled and powerful young players with a lot to prove themselves with RJMW and Savaisk being in the same draft class and a bit older they have a bit of a better understanding while Rave just came from the minors it’s gonna be exciting to this entire forward group become better and grow together and specially after so much of the offseason being put into good use we can already see the chances of these players being leaders being sky high Tzesar has been a well known leader for growth so maybe the players of this new forwards line can grow alongside him, for Malmo as a whole this offensive side a bit worse then last season but that doesn’t matter as high expectations are still in the air for this team to make it to the playoffs and finally beat the damn wildcard round.


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