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Houston Bull(y) #1


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Breaking Bad, Breaking News


Today, a shocking incident took place in the Houston Bulls stadium’s parking lot. Police officers arrested an elderly man, who allegedly had one pound of crystal clear methamphetamine on himself. The authorities were notified about this by an anonymous caller just a few hours before the arrest.


Sheriff Schrader, who lead the action, noted that: "The arresting officers met no heavy ressistance from the suspect“, who dropped to his knees right after being given handcuffs. In a rather bizzare fashion, he then looked the arresting officer dead in the eye and said: "Say my name.“ Which is an information the policemen refused to share with us, at least for now. They did, however, shared an evidence found in suspect’s pocket: a small piece of paper with writing saying: "Czech Republic – BIG MARKET.“


Suspect will now awaits trial in a cell in Houston Police Department HQ. He will face interrogations from HPD detectives, as well as from DEA agents. For the unbelievable amount of the drug the man possessed, he can be facing upto 20+ years of soap-dropping simulator.


This event will most likely have little-to-no larger impact on the upcoming beginning of the VHLM, with Bulls players focusing mainly on their game. As some of the fans pointed on new Czech players in the Bulls‘ roster and questioned if there is any connection to the arresting of the elderly man, we asked the new Houston Bulls‘ backup goaltender, Ondrej Vencko, for his opinion on the matter. He had this to say:


"I don’t care about drugs. And if he wanted to make money in the Czech Republic, beer would be much better commodity. That and adult movies.“


Well, while the connection between the players from Central Europe and the suspect can be understandable, it is most likely out of place here. Players are focused on hockey and that’s what matters for the fans, in the end.


We cannot wish anything else but success to the Houston Bulls.
Good luck in the upcoming season, boys!



338 words for week ending 1/14/2024


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