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Stupid is as stupid does, and I probably just did stupid.

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Well, I may have done something extremely stupid. 


As happens frequently we have had a couple VHLM GM step down, we know of one VHL GM and who knows what else may happen over the next few days as we move into the offseason. As expected, that resulted in Spartan posting in the Job Interviews section of the forum that there will be hiring. Normally I ignore these, I am usually fairly busy and so don’t want to take on more than I can manage. Yet for some reason I felt it was time for me to put my name in and apply. 


Now there are already several candidates who have put their names in also, some I expect that this is not their first time and some that I believe have even held similar positions previously. I don’t necessarily expect to get the position. In fact, I am going to start this article by detailing some of the reasons that the Commissioners should not hire me. 

First, I have 0 experience. I have never been an official AGM; I have never been involved in managing for world cup of JST. I know nothing of the software for SIMON, the draft system and have limited knowledge of how to manage a discord server. I would have a lot to learn. 


Second, my work life keeps me extremely busy between January 1 and March 1, I know that is now seasons into the future but is something that needs to be considered. 

Third, I am old and sometimes have a challenging time connecting with the younger individuals within VHL. I tend to ignore individuals that are acting immaturely which doesn’t help when you need to be mentoring them. 


Okay, so now that I have told you all the reasons why I shouldn’t be a GM. I have only one reason why I should be chosen. If I choose to do something, I do it to the best of my ability. That means you won’t be chasing me to get lines, I will be active in prepping for the draft and in the draft (if it is at a reasonable time), I will work with my players and try to help them be the best they can be. If selected I am all in. 


So, there you have it. I may have just done stupid but if that is the case I am going to do it all the way. 

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