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Its Fraud I Tell you!!!

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Here I am participating in the World Juniors for the very first time.  I am ready to show everyone how great of a defencemen I am.  I get drafted by the Steel along with my buddy Abenduct and a bunch of other superstars.  We start off killing it only suffering one regulation loss in the first two+ weeks of games.  The goalies are stopping shots, the forwards are scoring, the defense is stopping shots and I am pounding in skulls.  It was wonderful and all the Steel fans were loving it.  The league had different plans, however.  They didn't like that their favorite wasn't playing up to snuff.  Who is their favorite?  Well, I am not exactly sure but I can tell you it isn't us.  After a ref was caught getting paid off they decided to restart the whole tournament. Can you believe that? Restart the whole darn thing!  They should have brought it new refs and kept the tournament going, instead, they hate that we are just too good and had to take us down.  They brought in these new refs that just don't like us.  They are calling out bogus penalties like high-sticking and slashing.  Is it my fault that these players can't a little heat? Next time I just will have to give them a reason to call spearing.

Anyways, I don't know how the ref got caught and screwed our team over like that.  Maybe the league has cameras set up to spy on all the refs. It might be possible he told another ref and they snitched on them. I think a fan may have overheard the conversation.  I wonder if he got caught with those bags of money.  Either way, I told the ref exactly what to do, he must have failed to follow my instructions.  I must deal with him before word gets out and back to me.  I will not tolerate such failure.

---Computer, End Personal Log---

You know what, let's start over.

---Computer, delete this last entry---

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