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Houston Gossiper: Culture is thriving


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Last week, we’ve told you about certain cultural news regarding the Houston hockey team. This week, we have a bit more clearance on how things turned out, so let’s find out together, shall we?


First, we have the question of team pet. The players loved the idea of team having a team kitty. They immediately got together and thought of the perfect option:


This hell kitty is surely going to rule over Houston and will win the hearts of fans across the whole league. And if that isn’t enough, Houston’s locker room came up with two more team pets:

Puppers Rocky and Growlithe! These best boyos are surely going to motivate players to score! And fans will love them!

The graphical interpretation of said pets went very well. Even one of our graphic artists in our newsletter, Peter Ignaz Casso, tried his best in creating a team kitty.



Needless to say, he needs to improve his skills if he wants to break through the halls of kindergarten with his art.


Another news regarding the Bulls is the choice of a new goal song!
That’s right. Houston’s GM opted for a more usual choice of a goal song, while the question about RickRolling remains unsure. Perhaps during some extraordinary events? We will see.


However, our beloved players from Bulls team are now preparing for the upcoming draft. I am sure they’ll find plenty of success in the future teams but that they will also keep a little space in their hearts for Houston.


Thank you so much for reading.


Yours truly,

Ben Icio del Torro


265 words capped for week ending 03/10/2024

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